I’m not exactly sure when astrological horoscopes, psychic readings, tarot cards, chakras, and whatever decidedly “exotic,” mystical thing became chic—perhaps around the origination of the hipster generation—but I can [proudly] attest that I’ve always had a particular inclination toward the subjects. And that I’m not another blogging-, photographing-, horoscope-loving hipster character. That, my dears, I am not.
I’ve always harbored an interest in all that. The idea of having my self, my personality, my future written in the stars (or my palm, apparently) intrigues me. I’ve read far too many analyses based on horoscope (I’m an Aries) and my birth date that were too accurate to be written off as mere coincidence. Yet at the same time, I’m rational. Practical. I can’t possibly believe in this stuff, and yet, I don’t believe in coincidences. I’m a walking contradiction.
Which leads to psychics and palm readings. I don’t believe in either. I do, however, believe that psychics are astute observers and perceptive readers of first impressions and body language (it’s amazing how good they are!). Regardless, getting a reading of sorts is exciting. It’s interesting to see how others perceive you, and to giggle over destined love affairs and discuss futures outside beaded curtains of kitschy little psychic coves. On the boardwalk of Atlantic City.
It was the massive “$1 READINGS!” sign that drew us in. But somehow, the personality, $1-reading psychic “wasn’t in,” and we girls collectively decided that (a) that was a brilliant gimmick on the part of the psychic(s) and (b) we would get our palms read. And as we gathered in the waiting area wondering what was behind the mysterious doors marked “No Entry” and admired random little stones scattered about, one by one we headed into the beaded tent with the psychic, $10 bills clutched in our palms.
I was the third in line. She looked sweet, the psychic. Serene, and beautiful even aged. Exactly how I pictured a psychic to look sans the gypsy or bohemian garb. She smiled warmly as I sat down. “Your left palm out, sweets.” Very psychic-like, even in her demeanor.
- Compassionate, sensitive, wise. I could be a counselor or advisor of sorts, but I just want to help people. [Definitely open to interpretation, but I suppose it goes along with my aspirations. I’ll give her this one.] > True.
- I want to go into the medical field because I want to help people. […or because I’m Chinese? This is where I told her I wanted to be a writer, almost regrettedly because she was so sweet. Ah-hah! Gratification that psychics are not actually psychic.] > False.
- …and I’ll be successful in journalism and will be able to find a way to help others whilst pursuing my dream. > This better be true.
- I’m independent, opinionated, individual. > True.
- I’m a woman in a man’s world who possesses the ability to be a woman, and think like a man. Especially in romantic relationships. > I’m going to assume she meant well (and forgive the gender binaries and stereotyping), so True.
- I’ve drawn negative love in the past. She asks whether or not I’m in a relationship—nope!—and proceeds. I attract a lot of male attention, but I know what I want. Continue in the path of independence, she advises. You don’t need anything to burden you. > Er, true-ish (?). Not so much part one, though. I think.
- [This is the fun stuff]. In 2-3 months I’ll meet a guy whose name starts with the letter “M.” We’ll have a beautiful, beautiful relationship, in which we match intellectually and form this sort of symbiosis bond in which both of us grow in all aspects. She stresses again that it’ll be a beautiful companionship, and that he’s one of my soulmates. > Be on the lookout (on Twitter, no less), for the introduction of Mr. M into my life.
I don’t mind hard work. I like working, but for myself. Again with the independent thing, this time financially and work-related. I’ll run my own business, buy my own things (read: not rely on a suga’ daddy), have my own car, my own place, etc. All done happily. > True! And hopefully true!
I’ll get married at 27-28 because I want to take it slow, and because I don’t want to rush into commitment. I’ll have two kids, one girl, one boy. [One girl, one boy would be lovely if married. But marriage? I’m unsure of that yet…] > Hm. We shall see.
There was definitely more, but I’ve forgotten within the past few days since the reading. It was my first (!) and last psychic reading, and a ten dollars well spent. But only because it prevented me from ordering more food later on in the evening.
Okay, fine. I thoroughly enjoyed it. And thought I’d share. Any interesting personality, palm, or tarot card readings? Do tell. If not, I suggest you all get a palm reading at some kitschy boardwalk set-up. Or a tarot card reading. It’s one of those things you should be able to say you’ve done, and is definitely an interesting experience.
. . .
{image via}
Edit: For the record, Mr. M never happened.
Came across your blog while searching for palm readings in AC haha.. I’m curious did the Mr. M come through?
Haha! Can’t say Mr. M ever did, though there was an N… close enough? (;
I’m heading to AC in a few weeks. Sounds like a lot of “trues” going on. Do you have a name/address of where you went? Found you while searching for card readings on the boardwalk! 🙂
I am not sure if it was the same shop but i went in summer 2008. I was intrigued but i got my reading done after doing my gift shopping! I dont remember everything but when went to tell me how many children i would have she said FOUR yes 4!!! At the time i had none, i only wanted 1 MAYBE 2! I laughed and told her she was funny! But the look she had was serious and given my reaction she tried to recant by saying i COULD have up to four children. But she wasn’t lying! I had my first child in April 2010, i appeared on an episode of Discovery health channel show Special Delivery NICU it aired August 2010. On August 23, 2011 i welcomed my all girl triplets! It creeps me out every time i think about!