… none of which include boyfriends, husbands, or lovers, promise. Though any one of the aforementioned are nice to have, if you so choose.
1. A go-to hairstylist. Good, reliable hairstylists are a dime a dozen — finding someone who understands not only what you want, but also what your hair needs is, more often than not, a stroke of luck. As non-plussed I am about hair in general, I’d be naive if I didn’t acknowledge just how integral hair is to one’s appearance. Find the perfect fit and you’re less bound to feel stressed pre- or post-hair cut.
2. A signature fragrance. Few things are more sensual than a few strategic spritzes of perfume (ah, to wear Chanel No.5… and nothing else…); I’ve always admired the woman who had a signature scent, one that would inexplicably and intrinsically be forever linked to her. After all, the power of smell is an incredible thing. One whiff can easily trigger a flood of memories, moments, and emotions.
3. A signature drink. I’m partial to water and anything laced with caffeine, but when it’s that kind of night, there’s something about a woman who orders with confidence. A meek “umm… a martini please?” hardly gets the bartender’s attention — so just as you have your poison of choice at Starbucks (triple soy grande vanilla latte), all the bar’s offerings are yours for the taking.
4. A uniform. Clothes say a lot about you — who you are, how you see yourself — and they’re also a huge part of who people think you are. And while experimentation can be fun, trying to be “daring” or “different” on a daily basis becomes contrived: it’s as if you’re confused as to who you are (e.g., would Jane Birkin, Brigitte Bardot, Carine Roitfeld, Emmanuelle Alt be who they are sans uniform?). Style cannot exist without some sort of continuity or permanence. When it works, it works. I love seeing someone wear the same pieces over and over again: well-loved will always trump brand-new.
5. A passion. Or two. Without passion we are nothing. I’m a self-proclaimed workaholic, but if I didn’t write or dance, I’d be miserable. We’re creatures of emotions and meant to flex every fiber of our being — be it mentally, physically, or emotionally — and (mindlessly) going to work/school and simply aren’t enough. To merely exist is a shame; having passion is what allows us to be alive and live.
6. A (group of) best friends. But quality over quantity, always. Friends are the family you choose; choose the right ones and you have sisters for life.
7. A pair of comfortable walking shoes. Brownie points if you can find a pair of evening heels you can painlessly dance the night away in, too. Pretty shoes are nice, but pretty shoes mean absolutely nothing if you’re gritting your teeth and plotting the fastest route to a Duane Reade for Band-Aids. Comfortable shoes are key to confidence; plus, they lend you that je ne sais quoi gait that no Louboutins, no matter how leg-lengthening, can ever give if un-walkable.
8. A power song. I’m thoroughly convinced that a world without music and movement is a world that isn’t worth living in, but that’s just me: I’m a bit dramatic. That said, though, every woman needs a power song: a little morning pick-me-up, a pre-girls-night-out warm-up, that final push for the last mile, a Sunday afternoon feel-good. Whatever it is, find your beat and sing/dance/wiggle your heart out.
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{image via}
this is definitely true… a list of things to live by