For those of me who do know me, it is no surprise that I would mention the unmentionables.
And for those of you who do not, well, I did go there.
The unmentionables, however unmentionable, do deserve to be mentioned at one point. Surely we all know that undergarments are necessities for every woman (except those who do choose to go bra-less or completely commando). Once invented as a garment for purposes of modesty, they have since evolved into an accessory of sorts for the braver fashionable: corsets worn as tops, black lace bras peeking through blouses or sheer tanks, etc. Ah. We get cheekier and cheekier as the years go by, much to the dismay of the older generations.
And so, as a loyal Victoria’s Secret fan and and avid supporter of wearing lacy/pretty undergarments and loungewear, I am more than happy to announce a collaborative giveaway with Faire Frou Frou, a boutique (with a blog dedicated to lingerie!) of indulgent unmentionables, intimates, and jewelry for the sex kittens I know you all are! Their aesthetics and inspirations are admirable: boudoir pin-ups with a modern touch of demure sexiness meets Moulin Rouge. I do love their assortment of lingerie, my favorites being the: SAFIA Pearl & Turquoise Necklace (which includes my two favorite stones of ALL time!), the ID Sarrieri Eyelet Padded Bustier (ugh, so elegant and sexy!), Mimi Holiday Cotton Ruffle Tunic in a stunning shade of peach, and most of all, the Lake & Stars Truce camisole (imagine that touch of sexy when tucked into a high waisted pencil skirt!).
To Enter/Rules:
It’s quite simple, really. All you have to do is leave a comment below that MUST INCLUDE the phrase: “Faire Frou Frou“! The catch? Make it into a witty/silly/funny/<insert other adjective here> slogan or catchphrase about the boutique Faire Frou Frou!
You have until Sunday, August 30th (11:59 p.m.) to enter! The reader with my favorite comment will be selected and announced Monday (31 Aug 2009). Best of luck and most importantly, have fun!
La C.
I was planning to clean out my closet, but I never got past the lingerie basket – instead I rediscovered all my old silky things and decided to *faire frou frou* with all of my favorite things!
Then someone walked in on me and we decided to faire other things…
I pity the foo’
Who ain’t got no Faire Frou Frou!
It sounds quite simple, but I like it…
My Faire Frou Frou. 🙂
For my dearest love (aka hubby),
When you happen to sneak a peek under my tutu,
you will gladly see my lacey lovelies from Faire Frou Frou!
Yours in waiting,
An Unmentionable Fan
Such gorgeous ‘unmentionables’! 🙂
Faire Frou Frou c’est magnifique!
Faire Frou Frou does it in style
voulez vous faire frou frou.. oui oui!
Voulez-vous Faire Frou Frou avec moi ce soir? 😉
I was happy to discover your fabulous blog, via
the equally fabulous, Blog of the Boutique Faire Frou Frou fame.
ahhh!!!! the silk, the lace, the frills! so nice 😀
and my little creation of a phrase:
Faire Frou Frou: to bring out the petite coquette in you
and yes, my little phrase does rhyme- in a slightly nerdy, slightly adorable way……i’m pretending its more adorable 😛
OMG! I missed U Honey and what a fantastic new giveway! I love Faire Frou Frou…perfect pair. Haha!
Ooh! I’m obsessed with this store!
Little Faire Frou Frou hopping through the forest…
La Faire Frou Frou, pour moi? Beaucoup! Beaucoup!
Sorry… I’m not in my most creative mood, but lovely giveaway!
Solely An a Faire frou frou to make you Do the things you shouldn’t do!
Faire Frou Frou is not a no-no!
Ah, I’m so bad with things like these xD
Faire Frou Frou…
For the frilly femme in you!
Are international contestants allowed to enter? 🙂
The fair Faire Frou Frou twirled in a circle in the meadow, imagining herself wearing a skirt that would twirl around with her, but of course she had run outside wearing only her corset and pantyhose, secretly hoping that the handsome man she saw here yesterday would catch a glimpse of her…
Faire Frou Frou: dare to unleash your naughty side!
xx Leia
Tout ce que j’aime, c’est Faire Frou Frou !
(in french : all that I love is to do Frou Frou (sound of tulle skirts or petticoats))
Faire Frou Frou is feminine and flirty and lingerie go to.
Une monde sans Faire Frou Frou … c’est un cauchemar. Thanks to Mlle. Frou Fru and La Courturier for giving us hope…
Faire Frou Frou d’abord comme un chat, puis en tant que Aristochats, et finalement comme une tigresse
I love your blog, for real!
PL ♥
faire frou frou, show the inner goddess in you!
hahah, I’m really bad, but I tried! I love pretty lingerie, I have a serious addiction…
Don’t be a big Fou Fou -shop at Faire Frou Frou! 😉
Congratulations, La C. for teaming up with Faire Frou Frou! Their pieces are ridiculously sexy and almost fantasy – like. Um, totally need to get my hands or…girls on/in some of those some day. !! So coveting some select bustiers!
Faire Frou Frou – feel fancy, whatever the occasion. ;D
love you and miss you
I love Faire Frou Frou- the blog and website! I wish I could purchase those lovely unmentionables, and a $100 GC would be a big help! haha. So here it goes…
Faire Frou Frou haiku
Oh how I want to win this
Such lovely undies!
(that’s a haiku for you, hehe)
Love some sexy under pieces! Loveliest prize…congratulations on the collaboration!
“My Faire Frou Frou, this lady wrote a racy poem ’bout you
Desires some lace and satin under her tutu”
You are amazingly creative girl!and your giveaways come always as a challenge for me for two reasons: 1. I adore YOU,your ideas,each and every post you write and 2.I am crazy about cheeky sweet sexy undergarments,soooo here it goes:
Faire Frou Frou…parce-qu’il adore tout ce que tu porte en dessous!
Kisses for ma petite La C.
Oops! A slip of the Kinckers!?
How does it faire?
Faire Frou Frou!….of course.
Faire Frou Frou -crazy ’bout you- and nude without you.
cool giveaway babe!
Wonderful giveaway!
I gave him a kiss goodbye and I knew he was still thinking about my Faire Frou Frou…
A haiku:
I melt when I see
The sheer, the lace, the beauty
Faire Frou Frou, I die.
Or a poem:
To be like Audrey Hepburn
I bought a sleeping mask
But to use it in turn
Without something cute
Would be quite a difficult task.
So when I sat right down
And saw all this Faire Frou Frou loot
I knew I’d have to try
And oh with a sigh
I took pen in my hand
And hoped for some words upon my page to land.
The lacy and sheer
Is divinely sincere
And how I’d love to have some at hand.
faire frou frou! C’est la doux doux <3
That’s a very cute idea for them to get a catchy slogan. I’m sure they’ll get lots of ideas from this. Not from me though, I’m passing on this one. xo
I need to get my Faire Frou Frou on!
No seriously, I don’t have ANY lingerie… Let’s change that! 😉
I’m as pale as can be
so the only thing that can match me
is Faire Frou Frou
J’adore Fair Frou Frou! What a great giveaway!
I have two if that’s okay.
1. Sois sage, mais enfile Fair Frou Frou. (Be good, but slip into Fair Frou Frou)
2. Vois la vie en rose avec Faire Frou Frou! (See life through rose-colored glasses with Fair Frou Frou)
Faire Frou Frou
Le petit boutique bijou.
Marilyn might have worn No. 5 to bed, I only wear Faire Frou Frou!
You caught a glimpse where? oh well, all is fine while I am in my Farie Frou Frou…
This would be such a lovely treat to win! I am tired wearing the same old same old (5 yrs):) I know, my poor husband.
What a lovely giveaway. I am definitely an advocate of spending a little more on undergarments, they are the closest thing to your skin after all! Hope you’re having a wonderful day dear 🙂
What would I do without my Faire Frou Frou?
Great giveaway!
Go Faire Frou Frou Yourself!
Vicki’s is overrated, and frequently visited by 12 year-old girls using their mommy’s cash.
Frederick’s is not really my style, and I heard a story from a friend of a friend who, seriously, got a rash.
So, in a quest to find luxurious lingerie in la la land, what is a girl to do?
Well, darling, no need to travel all the way to France…FAIRE FROU FROU!
“All is Faire in Love & Frou Frou”
(Instead of “All if fair in love & war”)
What a wonderful contest!
Hmm… you certainly do have creative giveaways! I guess my slogan would be:
Don’t you want to Faire Frou Frou?
Faire Frou Frou will make your unmentionables so mentionable you will feel the urge to share the news with everyone!
CAUTION: Faire Frou Frou does not claim responsibility for public streaking to show off your beautiful lingerie
“When faced with lace, chiffon and tulle,
How’s a girl to keep her cool.
Charm, wit and stockings are what i need to woo,
Oh, what i wouldn’t do for a Faire Frou Frou!”
<3 stay classy
A man will never bid you adieu… when you are wearing Faire Frou Frou
Oh Fair Faire Frou Frou, let me count the ways I love you:
I love the way you feel, the way you look. The way you make me feel, the way you make me look.
Is there anything better than beautiful lingerie?
That was a rhetorical question, because the answer is “nay”.
Oh Faire Frou Frou, please let me win
I would feel super pretty, and shine from within!
haha that was pretty dumb but wonderful contest!
everytime i visit their site, i swoon over all the lovelies…. : ) what a savvy giveaway from faire frou frou!
I’d fancy a frisky frolic in some finery from Faire Frou Frou!
What the Freakin’ Faire Frou Frou were you thinking??
faire frou frou! one of my top valley fine shopping expiriences!
‘Faire , Frou , Frou’ , said the Queen. ‘If I had to I’d be King!’
‘Faire Frou Frou’ , said the Queen , ‘If I had to I’d be King.’
Nothing comes between me and my Faire Frou Frou
Faire Frou Frou
but how fair?
ok maybe thats not so witty.
for the mauvaise fille in you
visit the Faire Frou Frou
love their blog
what a fabulous giveaway!! love my Faire Frou Frou!!
if you love him, wear some faire frou frou <3
For a magical night or two, I love wearing my Faire Frou Frou!
I n’ai parle pas de francaise bien, mais si vous me demandez que fais-je?
Je sais…Faire Frou Frou, bien sur!
So cool body!!
You always have the cutest ideas for things!
“Forget your main boo and splurge on Faire Frou Frou!”
perfect timing since i’m in dire need of fancy schmancy sexy lingerie!! 😉 haha i’m kidding but i do love it!!
sugar and pink and all things nice,
faire frou frou to add a bit of spice!
faire frou frou Chic and Spicy.
Mon secret? Faire Frou Frou! shh…
Faire Fou Frou… as breathtaking as a lover’s caress….
“Indulge in fun flirty fabulousness” – Faire Frou Frou (Fr)
Mon amour et moi, où serions-nous sans mes affaires Frou Frou?
Thank you for your comment!
You have a great blog.
Faire Frou Frou with me..
Well, I would love to win this as I love this store! Hoping to stand out from the crowd as all is faire in love and frou frou!
Waht a lovely collection!
“Their unmentionables are truly meant Faire Frou Frou!”
‘If you want to feel sexy and more attractive, you must wear something that gives you confidance.. Faire Frou Frou est le secret de la passion!’
I was once was lost, but then I found Faire Frou Frou.
Was femme fatale, turned Faire Frou Frou.
I once was lost, but then I found Frou, Faire Frou Frou.
Great comp, even better lingerie 🙂 thanks.
Tu froufroutes, il froufroute, nous froufroutons, vous froufroutez, ils froufroutent:
Oh I just adoooooooore Faire Frou Frou ~ I need some more Mimi Holliday in my life! Fab giveaway, darling!
(inspired by chris brown’s song! you probably know it lc!)
when he says, “i need you boo”
you smile and know he’s thinking about your FAIRE FROU FROU!
Life is but a fairytale when laced in Faire Frou Frou…
Oh, what will I do
if I don’t win the giftcard for Faire Frou Frou?
I’ll be a little disappointed, it’s true.
Become irresistible with Faire Frou Frou
Faire Frou Frou, for when you need a bit of Frou, to help you see the day through.