"How Aries of You" • Soft Sensibilities
Last night, I surprised my boyfriend with tickets to the Moth Mainstage at Lincoln Center. This is what I wore—an ill-suited choice for the type of event, to say the least—but it was his birthday, and The Line by K is hard to resist when the goal is to be effortless but also feel woman. The ‘Gaby’ dress ticks all the boxes: ribbed knit offers stretch, comfort, and cling; buttons from the top down are undoubtedly a simple but sensual detail; and extra-long, flared sleeves are a welcome cozy touch. Never have I found a more versatile, more perfect dress. I love the fit so much that I own it four colors: red, beige, black, and ivory. When I love something, I don’t stray. Hard to miss is the leopard Dior Saddle in the crook of my arm—the find of the year that took much stalking and even more patience to hunt down. At face value I’m simple. Practical, even. And yet show me leopard or cheetah print (because yes, they’re different patterns) and I will throw money at it. Leopard with red accents? Forget it. I will not deny anything that speaks so deeply to my Aries soul. And I know I’ve reach peak magpie-dom when…