Thus the excessive complaints of hand cramps and insomnia (for weeks, now!) on Twitter.
The photo above was taken around 2:39 a.m., via the Macbook webcam in my [completely] dark room. 2:39 a.m. Sporting Revlon’s No. 85 “Minted” varnish with a glitter nail on zee pointer finger. It’s completely tacky, which makes it all the more rad. For two weeks straight I’ve been writing, planning, writing, planning, researching, writing planning… You get the point. I get my most productive and best work done during the wee hours of the morning whilst treating myself to a new manicure. It’s absolutely fantastical.
There’s something about the complete silence, save the consistent tip-tapping of my nails hitting the keyboard and insomniac birds outside, that makes the entire creative process flow. There’s no distraction, just you and yourself. It’s during this time that I’ve written most of my articles both here and for PLASTER. No interruptions. No rush. I love it.
I’ve finally consolidated everything into one journal: a patent, croc-embossed beauty oftentimes used as a prop when I’m not scrawling furiously in its creamy pages. At $8 from TJ Maxx, it’s one of my most precious possessions second to my [new!] Macbook Pro and vintage iPod. I used to write e v e r y w he r e : journals for daily diary entries; a notebook for philosophical/political/academic musings, notes, and essays, post-its for favorite quotes, index cards for wishlists, sketchbook for magazine clippings saved for God-knows-what, et cetera. Alas I’ve compiled the fashion and lifestyle related things into this black journal of mine (the rest are organized into a composition notebook). Though the contents are unorganized, it’s soothing to know all my ideas are in one place. Jumbled, but kept safely. In it contains wishlists, ideas, inspiration, future posts, articles, and big plans. B I G P L A N S . If you follow my Tumblr or Twitter, you’d know already. And get updates.
I’m quite excited.
La C.
P.S.: Oh dear. I somehow ended up rambling. It was supposed to be the shortest update I’ve yet written…
P.P.S.: The rose-gold Laura ring was a gift from designer Lindley Birten of Korcula. I always have it on my middle finger, as it is one of my favorite rings! I was devastated when I lost it, and now that it was recently found (in a pile of clothing…), it’s as if we’ve never parted.
P.P.P.S.: For you curious little non-pareils, the “things” sticking out of the top of my journal would be adorable William Morris Sticky Notes. I have quite the infatuation with Post-it notes of all sorts, and this set from Anthropologie satisfied my hunt for the practical yet aesthetically pleasing.
It was such a pleasure to read you again : thanks for your comment et bravo pour tout le reste. Your tumblr is so great…
beautiful color on the nails, esp with your skin tone!
miss you xx
Love your ring and that chic notebook! I keep trying to do something similar with my Moleskine, but I think a mini netbook would fit my personality more now.
Sometimes it’s really that simple, isn’t it? I feel a little stupid for not thinking of this by myself.
I really love writing at night. I find something really comforting in being the only person awake.
Such beautiful hands! The ring is fab.
Fabulous nails and lovely journal!!!
Well put