Belts, Belts, & More Belts! • Soft Sensibilities
As you all may know already, belts have continued their dynasty for the second season in a row (as have skinny jeans). Last fall, thick belts were all the rage, cinching waists almost as a corset would. Gucci’s Fall ’07 show, for example, showcased many great ones in beautiful tones of reds and purples with the signature three buckle front that would later be copied by others. This fall is still about cinching waists: however, fall ’08 is all about the skinny belts. To recreate runway looks, just grab a thin belt & wrap it around a loose dress, the oversized tee-shirt, or even around a jacket (just be sure that the jacket is not bulky; we do not want puffs of fabric leaking over the belt like a horrible muffin top nor do we want you to look bigger than you are!) I’ll bring up Oscar de la Renta’s runway show for a tangible example; there were belts over tweed jackets paired with full skirts and dark colored tights that looked fabulous! Even running around in colder weather can be fashionable – there is no need to cover that fabulous-ness with a pea coat or trench! Accessorize that jacket!…