Oh, addictions.
Green tea, chai lattes, peanut butter, leather, lace, lingerie—all the usual. But as of late, caffeine necessities have nearly been replaced by ravenous cravings for chocolate-covered almonds. I devour them by the bag-ful.
Nearly two weeks of blissful ignorance went by until I saw that each little zipped baggie was around 460 sinful calories. Why must these cute cafes break hearts and dreams by inscribing such dreaded numbers? How did I miss that sign? How could you (I’m talking woefully at said almonds now) look so harmless, and yet be so cruel? A wolf in sheep’s clothing, I tell you—delicious, sweet, clothing.
I look at you, then at that little AA dress hanging on my closet door, and then back to you again, back to your perfectly coated self. You’re blank-faced, masking any and all emotions with a milky smile.
So coy, you.
Sophia Loren once attributed her figure to spaghetti; in her lead, I’ll say that mine is all thanks to a healthy supplement of chocolate-covered almonds. Not a dessert, not a snack, but a supplement—I always means exactly what I say, and say exactly what I mean. After all, a girl needs her assorted vitamins (Vitamins E, D, etc.), calcium (milk chocolate) and vegetables (cocoa beans)…
(Now if you don’t mind, I’ll go ahead and finish the last three pieces.)
. . .
Go ahead and enjoy that petit snack. Now I need to go out and find something covered in chocolate.
Already done (; Now I want more… x