Café Citron • Soft Sensibilities
On a day as gloomy and grey as today—22 days into shelter-in-place—color is perhaps the simplest, most significant antidote to the rainy day blues. I have no complaints working from home or staying in 24/7, but my peace with the situation comes from a place of privilege. (This I acknowledge and am endlessly grateful for.) It also helps that I’m an introvert by nature: solitude is my strength, my comfort, a forever happy place. Isolation is my ideal, and while it’s not for everyone, it currently is. Here are a few tips on how to stay sane while staying safe: 1. CREATE STRUCTURE For most, this may be the hardest to implement because so much of our lives are pushed upon us. From the time we enter grade school and for the majority of our lives thereafter, we’re told what time to wake up, how many hours we should study or work, et cetera. The idea of tabula rasa, then, becomes daunting; without someone over our shoulders, we’re aimless. Or so we think. Learning to move through each day with intention requires discipline. Strive for it, but allow freedom for flexibility. You’re allowed to have moments of lassitude, but approach without…