Still at home, reading one book a day for as long as this quarantine lasts. If it isn't clear by now, I'm choosing my daily reading by color and mood (which appears as two sets of criteria, but so happens to be one and the same in my book). My little library is organized by category, then ... Read More
Quarantine Reading: One Book a Day (Week 6)
Still here, still reading one book a day. Six weeks into quarantine and I've yet to go stir-crazy. I'm not surprised: I'm your bona fide introvert, and though I'm decent at playing the part of the extrovert, it's an exhausting act to maintain. It wasn't until this shelter-in-place that I realized ... Read More
Quarantine Reading: One Book a Day (Week 4)
I'm reading one book a day for as long as this COVID-19 quarantine lasts. Here are the ones I read this past week. DAY 24: THE IDIOT I re-read Elif Batuman's acclaimed novel, The Idiot, because my friend had mentioned adding it to her Kindle—and by the end, wasn't impressed. It's not that I ... Read More