1. It's been a while since I've written a list. Or written at all, to be honest, outside the scope of my job. I pour my energy into my work. Physically clocking out or hitting CTRL+S doesn't end the work day for me; I'm forever thinking, brainstorming, editing, re-writing, pitching. I love what I ... Read More
To-Do List
To-Do: Find the perfect dress for a work dinner, because everything else in my closet is wildly inappropriate* Go out more, re: aforementioned discovery Find the perfect outfit for a work conference, because I need to look like a boss-b*tch without looking too corporate Spring clean ... Read More
24 Things I Learned by 24
Happy birthday to me. 1. Things won't always be okay. And apparently, that's normal. People fall apart and they pull themselves together. Millennials are having it the hardest, apparently (but then again, what a millennial thing to say), and social media isn't helping. Whatever. Here's the ... Read More