Maintenant. Life-consuming papers and seemingly countless exams and presentations are on the plate, but on the bright side, the semester is over in but a few days! Ah, winter break: a month and a half where I can just breathe. (Or so I tell myself until I undertake a new project, or reinvest ... Read More
On Femininity vs. Feminism
Time after I time I write about how I appreciate the "classics" and admire the designers who "understand what the woman wants." And while I'm fully aware that it's purely opinion and to some level attributed to my personal philosophies (with regards to style, that is) as well as my marketing ... Read More
Seventy-degrees out today—and yet it's truly, albeit inexplicably—fall. Funny isn't it, how I have the same routine, the same commute, Monday through Friday. Every day I drive down the same highway, take the same walk to wherever it is I need to be, and yet today—in all it's 70-something glory—was ... Read More