cirque du soleil | marc jacobs ss 2010 • Soft Sensibilities
{Do listen to Christina Aguilera’s “(Welcome) Enter the Circus” in the background; it is quite instrumental (no pun intended) in enhancing your reading of this particular post.} { marc jacobs, spring/summer 2010 } {click; the music is quite instrumental (no pun intended) to the reading of this particular post: Enter the Circus | Christina Aguilera } I’ve never been a massive fan of Marc Jacobs shows. Or even a fan at all, however blasphemous the very statement must be to the high-and-mighty fashion world and blogosphere we all adoringly look up to. Bi-annually, during Fashion Week, I would skim over his runway presentations. Quirky and quaint were never quite the adjectives I were attracted to, quite honestly. The pieces, individually, were quite beautiful and humorous – blouse or short would seamlessly integrate itself into any wardrobe, a new bag making a lovely spring statement piece hung across the shoulders or clutched in the hand. Yet the show, however big it was in the industry, never quite cut it for me. I’m a fan of Marc Jacobs himself, and his designs. But the s t y l i n g of the shows never showcased the clothes to their true potential until…