defining style | part I • Soft Sensibilities
Preface | I’ve received numerous emails, especially recently, of girls, women, and boys alike asking for advice on how to find, and define, their own style. What is style, they ask. How are you so sure of your own? How long did it take you before you knew what you liked, and what you wanted to show the world? Does everyone have “an eye for style?” The likes. And then, they were all concluded with: “When will you show your face; let’s see outfit posts!” Coincidental? I think not. It’s all a conspiracy to have me remove my mask of anonymity… but I digress. I do hope this helps, and enjoy. I had quite the time writing this series! ♥ Among Coco Chanel’s numerous quotes, many of which were frivolous comments upon costume jewelry or on the importance of perfume to a woman’s future (for reference, the exact quote would be: “A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future” – exaggerated, of course, but surely holds some truth because we all know the key to attracting and alluring men is to appeal to their olfactory sense), one was uttered with wisdom. “Fashion fades, and only style remains.” And that, mes chéries, is quite…