So I’m dancing around with the thought of you and I.
Could it possibly work, this ideal I have carried with me for quite some time now, but have naught the bravery to reveal it to anyone but my self? I ponder, I delve, I imagine, I think. Carefully waltzing and jeté-ing around the pits and potholes, in the hopes that my attempts at delaying the event would seem to be natural hesitation.
But alas I could jeté no longer – legs tired at the thought of more jumps and leaps – where one more mention de voléé would have sent me past the point of exhaustion. The once avoidable taunted, taking advantage of the spare moments of the day in which my mind would wander. I had not choice but to face the inevitable – and to e m b r a c e it. Risk or no risk, I could not turn my back on the thought.
Introducing my ultimate, go-to, freakum dress.
Say hello to my new favorite LBD, the rather well-known, cotton spandex double U-back body-con dress by none other than American Apparel. In black, of course. Thirty-eight dollars of well spent money on the ultimate dress. Leave it to American Apparel to create such a sophisticated yet sexy basic of versatility.
Undeniably sexy and body conscious, hugging every little curve. A plus for emphasizing the curvaceousness of an hourglass silhouette – but consider yourselves warned: this is not a dress to be worn when un petit food baby appears after a satisfying dinner has just been consumed.
Oh it just got hot in here.
bisous, xx
P.S. Hurrah for new followers! Two hundred and fourteen so far on Bloglovin’!
Great post! I’ve been pondering this dress aussi, mais I’m not quite brave enough to pull it off. (Rather, I’m not quite willing to give up my caramel machiatto habit!)
Darn those food babies! I feel like you would have to wear very specific undergarments with this dress. It’s a very seductive look!
@Christine: It is quite the seductive look (; Haha that’s the one downside – Victoria Secret’s thick-banded, lace thong works best!
Ah, sadly I constantly have a not-so-petit food baby…hot dress indeed 😉
The dress is just killer! I love it! I bet you’re definitely gonna rock it.
The simplest of dresses are often the best, with the right cut it can be the most flattering thing! x
Love the dress very much!
U-backs are so hot! Nice LBD for that money for sure. Love how you described the “foot baby” problem 🙂
J’aurais appris la charmante expression “hourglass silhouette”. Jolie.
I’ve always loved that dress, it is wonderful! I hope I will be able to shop at American Apparel someday soon!
Ahaaah, your writing is just too funny and well written ! I looove the dress, though I’m not quite sure it would fill me well because I’m too skinny for this to be sexy ! But I’ve a dress I just adore from Marina Yachting, vintage, that is quite as body-conscious and it’s just impossible to describe how good these kind of dresses make you feel !
@rossovelvet: Aw, thank you dear! I positively adore body conscious anything – I’m quite obsessed (:
Great dress- so versatile 🙂
oh I wish I had the body to wear this. LOL
I love that dress, I tried it on and it just didn’t suit me. I was gutted.
That dress i amazing! I´ve always wanted one… but my not-so-petite belly says no 🙂
Love it, and want it 🙂
– laur @ neonmango
it is an amazing dress
That dress is so cool. I love it. Hope you’re having a great week. Cheers!
Those were the days! Now a days this kind of look is reserved for the eyes of Cute Hubby only; aging, you gotta love it.
Thaaaat is the dress I was looking for! 😉
My Blog “The Stiletto Effect” and CHANEL are GIVINGAWAY one “Chanel Le Vernis # 479 Kaleidoscope (Limited Edition)”.
Being a Limited Edition this colour is already out of stock, so maybe this will be the only way to get one!
To enter just visit
Good Luck!
Susana R.
Oh honey I hate not having Internet because I really miss reading your blog every single day.At the computer classes I sometimes manage to sneak from teacher’s attention and enter your blog!Oh girl I wish Santa brings me this gorgeous U-Neck dress!
Kisses cherie!
@hot couture: aww thank you! but i haven’t been able to update as much lately so you haven’t missed much ;P i hope santa brings you this amazing dress as well! xx
Everyone should have her own very favorite LBD …. i love love this AA version – simplest at its best!!! btw: love the way you write, xx
@UnoCosa: aw, thank you love (: xx
lovely dress.. if you have that body
Oh yes, I have that dress in cranberry and white. It is quite a scandal!
I looove so many of American Apparel’s dresses~
This is quite sexy!
E> An
I’m DYING to try out this dress, but somehow I think that it’d just cling to my smaller bust in a very unflattering way.. and S&H costs are climbing! 🙁 So the search for a long-sleeved LBD (not necessarily bodycon) goes on