Etsy is Love, Love is Etsy • Soft Sensibilities
I never quite understood the craze about Etsy. I was, sadly, under the assumption that it was simply an online boutique of tacky quilted bags and typical, homemade jewelry after a quick (I would guesstimate that it lasted about 30 seconds or so). Nevertheless, I became intrigued by it once again, browsing the site for about an hour to avoid doing homework. I am quite the accomplished procrastinator. I am now in love with it – even making an etsy account to make a list of my favorites (my personal Etsy wishlist), brooding over beautiful things here and there, groveling in self-pity at the fact I have exiled myself from shopping until after Christmas. I must save that money for buying gifts! Aside from my pathetic situation, here are my favourites: Ring Around the Rosies… I love rings. From dainty silver rings to the most obnoxious (so other people think) cocktail rings, I love them all. They really do make a statement, adding bits of glamour to an outfit and telling the world a little more about yourself and your personality. The rings you choose, like every piece of jewelry, is an extension, if not a physical depiction, of who…