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I love food, so much so I secretly wish I was one of those sophisticated foodies who pick at their caviar and cheeses with the air of a seasoned—no pun intended—connoisseur. I see, I smell, and devour; apparently I have a Napoleon complex when it comes to the subject. So ladylike, so chic. I blame my height (or lack thereof).
Slowly but surely, I’m slowly changing my perspective on food. Live not to eat, but eat to live. Step one to holistic eating: Eat to feed your body, and indulge occasionally to feed the soul.
Certain things do both. Oatmeal is my best friend, my shoulder to cry on. Zucchini (grilled with the litttttlest bit of butter) makes me weak at the knees. Avocados are my lovers.
And at three in the morning, who better to call on than the lover? We both knew exactly what we wanted…
- Fresh ciabatta roll, cut down the center for the perfect portion. Slice that half open, in half again.
- ½ ripe avocado
- lime juice
- extra virgin olive oil
- freshly ground black pepper
- garlic powder (optional)
- diced red onion (optional; wish I had this then)
- butter (optional)
In a small bowl, mash the avocado with a bit of lime juice, olive oil, black pepper, and garlic powder—all to taste. I don’t measure; accuracy sometimes kills the beauty of spontaneous domesticity. Taste test occasionally with a fork because the gorgeous green is irresistible, and the combination of ingredients smells divine. Keep mashing until the mixture is slightly smoother and creamy in consistency. (I prefer a few chunks for texture, but I’m also lazy.)
Drizzle a bit of olive oil or add a smathering of whipped butter to the insides of the ciabatta bread halves. Toast it on a pan for a few minutes, and while it’s still warm, spread the avocado paste across its surface. Be generous; we love avocado. Ground more flakes of black pepper, and sprinkle on top a bit more garlic powder to garnish…
Simple. Satisfying. And exquisite, if I may say so myself, especially for a 3 a.m. snack hor d’oeuvre. I may go as far to say it’d be lush for an appetizer during girls’ night in.
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{image via}
haha avocado booty call? we’ve all been there sister! x
I adore you.
I very firmly believe in eat to live and indulging occasionally. and I LOVE avocado. I could eat it all day every day obviously I don’t but I just can’t even describe how much I love it haha I sound nuts.
I’m definitely going to try your recipe here though!
It’s sooo super simple! Let me know how it turns out for you babe!
And no, you are not/do not sound nuts. I love avocado just as much as you do. Trust. x