I took my new (faux) fur out for a spin. Isn’t she a beauty?
I’ve also just had a final realization before the countdown ’til doomsday: I need a full-length mirror. Or a photographer. (Preferably both, but let’s not be greedy kittens.) So until one of the two happens, fitting rooms will have to do.
. . .
wearing: vintage fur, Etsy | Urban Outfitters muscle tee | AA black bandeau | H&M silver hoops | LnA leggings | Rockport Janae croc ankle booties
Beautiful! I’d like to offer you my photo services ))
So kind of you! (; x
loooove this look. So chic <3
Thanks love x
Thanks, but that’s not at all what the “Mayans” say. They simply call is a new era. Nothing more, nothing less. I spent years living in Guatemala learning Spanish and Kaqchikel, one of the mayan languages. They simply laugh at the idea that people think this is the end of the world, or anything other than a new era. I even had one mayan laugh and say “Americans are so stupid”. It was a common question I asked a lot, and many people had never heard of the idea that it’s the “end of the world” or apocalyptic in any way.