1. Last Saturday K. gave me a desk. Months ago (when we were still together) he told me he wanted to build me one. It was Valentine’s Day weekend; it was a last hurrah, and this desk he said he wanted to build for me—the desk I needed because he believed I was a writer who deserved the space to create—was a figment of romance.
But there it was, finally finished and encased in pink polka-dotted wrapping paper.
To be honest, I never thought this desk would. People often say things—extravagant things—when they’re in love. That was then, though, and here we are now. We’d broken up for a while and still K. built this desk for me, thinking of me. A vast top, wide enough so I had space to lay out all my things (I’m a girl who has 20+ tabs open at all time; real life is no different), deep enough so I have space for a row of books, my laptop, and a notebook without having to write atop a keyboard. It’s removable—because I’m moving one day (soon hopefully), and because this potential new home will likely be tiny and I’ll have the option of deconstructing it for more room on the fly. The legs of the desk! They’re perfect. One side is from Ikea (drawers are a daunting task, especially at first attempt). The other he made by hand: it’s a 3D bookshelf inspired by Pinterest. (Yes, I dated a guy who was not only aware of Pinterest, but actively pins. Men: take note.)
I haven’t used my desk yet. It’s still sitting in my living room until I can find space for it—it’s too new, too perfect, and it’s deserving of some pretty new decor. And every time I walk by, there it is: smelling of wood and a fresh coat of polyurethane, reminding me of an old love.
2. I often find being around people exhausting; most only know how to take take take. But there are a rare few who give love and these are the ones you know you have forever. My best friends may be scattered up and down the East Coast, but they still manage to be present always. J.: thanks for always knowing exactly what to say.
3. Currently reading Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk. recommended months ago by J. (who else?). I’ve been having a tough time with sitting down to read at all—much less finish a book—since graduation; I’m ashamed that until recently, I only read a few pages at time. For whatever reason I put it off, I’m glad I waited. It exactly the book I needed to read now.
4. I’m not a belt person but as soon as I spotted this one, I snapped it up. I’ve been ogling Alaïa’s laser-cut, eyelet leather pieces for years—how could I pass this up? God only knows if I’ll ever justify spending $$$ on the real thing so in the mean time, this will serve more than just fine. I’m planning on making this centerpiece of my typical, all-black tank/body-tucked-into-pencil-skirts (or high waist, wide-legged trousers) outfits. I. Can’t. Wait.
5. We’ve had a taste of 80°F weather this week. It’s time. Spring is here. Estée Lauder ‘Bronze Goddess‘ (review here) is coming out to play again.
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aaaaaah it’s finally here x… I’ve been checking your blog at least once a day for the past month to read ‘n get inspired.. you’re just talking about your daily stuff, but for me it’s a luxury entertainment
Thanks for writing xx
Thank YOU for reading and moreover, for your kind words! I’ve been in such a slump lately and this was my first attempt at personal “writing” (if you will) in forever — thanks for motivating me to write more <3 xx