Five Things (1.8.16) • Soft Sensibilities
Hello, from the other side. 1. It’s been hard learning to give myself a break. I have my rare epiphanies where I can pull myself out before I start sinking, but it’s hard. So, to cope, I’m shopping more than I ever have. Do I advise it? Not unless you’ve been a saver most of your life, but retail therapy is a thing for a reason. I’m not sure that money can buy happiness, but it’s pretty damn close. (I like surround myself with books and pretty things, OK?) 2. My Filofax has been my saving grace. Fine, fine, rephrase: I’m mildly obsessed with having my life organized neatly in a little, on-the-go binder. You win. There’s great comfort in list-making, pre-planning, and checking off to-do boxes. Life (work, personal, dance) has been 50 shades of busy lately, and having everything written down helps reassure that I can do it all… …as long as I don’t sleep. 3. While I’ve yet to detox my self, I’ve detoxed my living quarters top to bottom. Wall to wall (cue Chris Brown). Every drawer, every corner, no crevice left untouched. Wardrobe editing could have been a tad more ruthless to be honest, but in whole, I’m pretty pleased with…