Five Things (12.1.23) • Soft Sensibilities
1. It’s December. December! There’s a part of me that’s aghast with where the time has gone, but this year has also been filled to the brim with good things. Major changes, too. All the makings of a year well spent so far. 2. I haven’t thought about smoky green eyeliner since high school (the go-to for performing on game days; green was our school color) but the moment the Victoria Beckham Beauty holiday collection landed on my desk, I’ve been waiting for a moment to debut olive as my signature shade once more. Nostalgia is sweet, but VB makes it sophisticated. I’m indebted. 3. Easing into dance after a few years has me revisiting what makes me feel good. In all parts of my life, of course, but with clothing in particular. What I instinctively turn to for rehearsal, I’ve found, are the silhouettes that I feel most at ease in—not just comfortable in a literal, practical sense, but in helping me simply be or find myself. It sounds silly now that I type it out; the little epiphanies had while picking each outfit before class seemed like Rachel Tashjian dissertations in my head. Anyway. Some version of Mark Twain’s…