Five Things (2.9.24) • Soft Sensibilities
1. It’s finally cool enough (cold by L.A. and personal standards both) for knitwear and coats! Though my instinct is to hibernate once the temperature drops below 55 degrees, I’ve never been happier to make use of my Jersey wardrobe as a California transplant. Sweaters feel like my safe space. Vintage ones in particular (though I’m partial to an off-shoulder Modern Citizen sweater as well), since they simply don’t make them like they used to. On rotation is a mini capsule from RLT; others are pieces my mom wore in her twenties. 2. I’m a lucky girl. Flowers at my door every other week! Those powder blue hydrangeas were the exception though—a surprise gift from a sweet stranger while at Trader Joe’s early in the morning. It was just the thing to brighten up the gloom from all the rain. 3. While we’re on the topic of luck: I finally found a vintage Roger Lecal lipstick mirror. Facebook Marketplace isn’t for the faint of heart, but when you stumble upon a find, it’s a Find-with-a-Capital-F. 4. Dancing again has been cathartic. And to perform or take a class without the pressure of having to be someone—and doing it somewhere new…