Five Things (5.18.18) • Soft Sensibilities
1. During my absence from this digital space, I filled all 249 pages of a red Leuchtturm1917 notebook and am currently halfway through my Clairefontaine. I promised myself that I would write every day since the start of 2018 no matter how navel-gazing the entry or amateur the writing. So I did—and in doing so, took a break from creating for public consumption (by which I mean, sharing in what’s meant to be a public space, but is only seen by the two people who accidentally land here) to rediscover my voice without agenda. I haven’t found her/me/it yet. I actually hate how I write now, but the act of turning off the constant need to hit “publish” and instead, save something for myself, has been liberating. It’s a tale as old as 2012 so I won’t add to the tired commentary on how technology has altered our behavior, but I will say that disconnecting is chicken vegetable soup for the soul. 2. Part of this (lax) social media detox included sitting down for a few hours, sans tech, and making something with my hands. Last month I’d gone to the NJ Gem & Jewelry Show and left with a paper…