Five Things (8.25.17) • Soft Sensibilities
1. Since writing this blog-versary post (which required some deep-diving into the archives for embarrassing first posts), I’ve made it a mission to import all of my La Couturier content here. Being the (mild) Type A perfectionist I am, I couldn’t just let old posts let lie. No: I’ve taken it upon myself to go through all the old posts and properly tag and categorize them for posterity’s sake. In doing so—this tedious, mindless, *self-appointed* job—I’ve discovered a few gems among the cringe-worthy majority. Seeing all the Agony Aunt (or in my case back then, “Dear La C.”) columns and amazing connections made with other bloggers/artists/fashion creatives (see above for a collage made by Jaimie of the now-defunct blog, Just Jr.!). God, I was so passionate then—and I miss that drive. 2. In the two months my dad finally learned what being plant-based means, he’s been all too excited to flex his newfound knowledge (all while ensuring that I’m aware of new foods I can eat). A few weeks ago, it was news of Starbucks’ horchata almond milk frappuccino, the first frap that was made with a non-dairy base. Earlier this week, he texted me a photo of a new ramen…