The Review: Fur • Soft Sensibilities
It’s not often that I say yes to receiving PR samples (then again, it’s not often I’m asked for my opinion either); the point is, I’m just as picky about the products I try as I am about what I choose to buy. I was quick to say yes when Fur asked me if I was interested: it’s not often that a brand centers its philosophy around embracing the conversation about pubic hair. Moreover, it’s a company started by women, created to help empower women in appreciating a part of their bodies that they’ve been shamed into feeling disgusted by or shy about for centuries. The idea is simple but revolutionary: If you treated hair on your head the way you treat your pubic hair, you would hate your head hair too. Give your pubes a chance, Fur says. They’re not telling you a full bush or a fresh Brazilian is better than the other: however you choose to groom, make sure you care for it. But beyond the story are the products. Though their Fur Oil is their hero product (as seen on Buzzfeed, Marie Claire, and Nylon), I was most interested in their Stubble Cream and Ingrown Concentrate. Not the sexiest of products,…