Hope you all had a l o v e l y Valentine’s Day, single or taken! (:
As of late I’ve been far more interested in beauty products and in developing a proper skin care routine; surely the self-pampering is lovely and makes me feel quite feminine, but it was more so an attempt to gradually achieve healthy and (near) perfect skin and maintain it in its best condition. Only recently I purchased a day and night moisturizer from The Body Shop‘s Tea Tree skincare line in the hopes to calm my skin from bursts of spots, and I quite like it so far!
With this new fixation in mind, I am more than happy to announce a giveaway of a fabulous product – Oprah approved, mind you! – courtesy of Perricone MD. The brand name has been well-known, nationally recognized with the help of Oprah; their most popular products are of the anti-aging variety, and their newest offer is the Dr. Perricone Light Renewal. Althought Perricone MD tends to be associated with anti-aging skincare products, they offer alternatives for different skin types from as general as fitting for all skin types to blemish-prone: both of which I would love to try!
Today’s prize, then? Now now, patience is a virtue:
{perricone md’s gentle cleanser.}
…nourishes, soothes, and removes impurities without stripping natural oils with DMAE
{+} gentle and nourishing cleanser is ideal for all skin types.
{+} fabulous face hydrator with o l i v e o i l , a trusted skin care ingredient since the ancient greeks; some fear that putting olive oil on their face will cause breakouts and clog pores, but it is a mere misconception. most people find that olive doesn’t doesn’t clog their pores & it does an excellent job removing impurities and leaving skin soft and smooth!
{+} removes all surface debris including make-up while delivering anti-aging benefits with DMAE & antioxidant protection w/ olive oil polyphenols
I’m sold; I love the natural ingredients in the cleanser, more specifically the predominance of olive oil.
{how to enter.}
* this giveaway is only open to U.S./Canadian readers; sorry to all others! *
To enter, you must comment in this post with why you want and/or need the Gentle Cleanser. The winner will be chosen randomly via one of those ubiquitous random drawing websites; however, you can optimize your chances by doing the following:
+ {to enter} comment in this post why you want and/or need the gentle cleanser
+ {for a 2nd entry} recommend your favorite skin care/beauty/makeup products!
+ {for a 3rd entry} follow via bloglovin’! this, of course, is by no means necessary, but it would make my day! (:
+ {for a 4th entry} follow my blog for POP magazine via bloglovin’ as well!
See, it’s all quite simple! The giveaway ends February 24th, 2010. Good luck mes chéries!
La C.
EDIT: We’ve got a winner!
Ah, I’ve been searching for a good product to add to my skincare routine. This looks excellent 🙂
Great giveaway!
Gentle cleansers are so perfect for my skin, and I’ve been dying to try perricone products!
My favourite skin care line so far has been neutrogena, their products are always an old standby!
I love this giveaway eeeeee! I want and need the gentle cleanser because my face is extremely sensitive and I haven’t found the right cleanser yet but this looks like it could do the job!
I would LOVE to win this cleanser as I have been dying to try Perricone MD products, but every giveaway previously for them has only been open to US residents, so I’m very happy that yours is open to Canadians as well!
My favourite beauty product at the moment is my June Jacobs papaya face peel as it smells great, comes in a huge tub and makes my skin feel buttery soft.
I follow you on Bloglovin!
I have never found a nourisher/cleanser that I’ve kept to. I have one lotion and I won’t divert from it, but for cleansers, I just have’t found the right one. My skin gets oily by the end of the day, but after showers, it’s insanely dry. I need a medium!
I heart this giveaway! I would love to win because my skin has been freaking out this winter and I am trying to get it under control (plus I have heard wonderful things about Perricone MD)!!!
I’m still searching for this perfect cleanser and begin to wonder if it actually does exist…
I’ve been hooked on mega basics like Spectro-Jel and I’ve recently tried the Clinique hydrator. I like the no-nonsense of it, but it’s a little bit grey (classic but also boring…)
MizzJ is right, I’m happy that some contest with an interesting prize is finally open to canadien citizen, yeah!
I’d love this cleanser because I have very sensitive skin- “gentle” is perfect for me!
My fave moisturizer is Aveeno and I swear by Johnson and Johnson Ultra Rich cream!
I am a BlogLovin follower 🙂
Nice giveaway C!
I really need a new cleanser. I have been using SpectroJel for a little while now, but the effect it originally had on my skin is no longer the same. I find I am breaking out a lot more, and my skin has gotten greasy and I need a change. I hear that olive oil is super good for your skin, for keeping it hydrated and for cleansimng, and I’d be interesting in trying it out.
My favourite product of all time right now is the Aveeno Calming Daily Moisturizer. The feverfew in it really does take a lot of the redness out of my skin.
I’m already following you on bloglovin’ for this site, and now I’m following your other site via bloglovin’.
I love beauty products, but I have an extremely sensitive skin so I can only use what the dermatologist tells me to.
Hope u had a nice V-day too!
Hello La C! 🙂 Great idea for a contest, and I wonderful prize!! I would love to win this cleanser because all the others I own are very drying, I like them all for the most part, but this cleanser seems very moisturizing and it would be perfect to use in addition to my other products. I also have very sensitive skin, so this cleanser would be perfect for me.
As for my favorite skin/beauty/makeup products…
I love all of Kiehls products! I especially love their “Herbal Blue” products which are made especially for acne prone skin.
I also adore Lush products! My favorites are Dream Cream, Sakura Bath Bomb, all of their bubble bars, and their face masks. I use the Love Lettuce mask which is for normal to oily skin, and it has a nice fresh smell! It’s color isn’t the most appealing, but the amazing results are worth it!
As for makeup products right now I am loving Stila’s Kitten eyeshadow, and MACs Satin Taupe eyeshadow. I also love MACs Underage lip glass. Plus the best foundation ever is Nars Sheer Glow! I totally recommend it!
Sorry for this rather lengthy post! Also I believe I am following both of your blogs via bloglovin’ 🙂
Have a fabulous week!! 😀
My skin is dry and olive oil is the way to go!
I want and desperately need this Perricone gentle cleanser because I can’t find a cleanser with the right balance for my skin and Perricone products have had fantastic reviews!
My favorite skin care product right now is YonKa gommage….it’s a great exfoliator and smells fantastic 🙂
(But I’d rather have Perricone….LOL)
I follow you via bloglovin’!
I’m just finishing up my face cleanser and am on the hunt for a new product! This sounds amazing, I’m all about olive oil and my skin could use a switch up!
I follow your blog for POP magazine via bloglovin’ too!
I want this because I am in need of a good cleanser. I have been hunting for one and haven’t found one yet. I hear wonderful things about perricone and I would love to try them. This sounds perfect for me!
Thank you for the chance.
For my second entry.
My favorite skincare products right now are from Sothy’s! I am in love with the normalization spray . It rocks and smells delicious!!
I am a fan of zuii makeup. I like their blush. I recently got a luxtural spray but I am not sure quite what I think about it yet.
I follow your blog for a third entry. (and signed up to blogluvin!)
for a 4th I followed the second blog you mentioned.
I absolutley love Perricone products! His cleansers are the only ones that don’t irritate my skin. I need this gentle cleanser because it works so well for my sensitive skin.
Great great giveaway ! 🙂
On a perpetual quest for creamy smooth skin, I have yet to find the product line that will deliver what it promises. The oh-so-unfortunate LARGE pores (thanks dad!) and hiccupping hormones have made my skin neither smooth not creamy. I would love to win the cleanser, maybe this will be the one I’ve been searching for!
Favorite beauty product: Origins A Perfect World Body Lotion
Haii Kimberly. (: I’ve always had problems with skin products. Everything I’ve ever bought always irritates my skins and I always have so much trouble. I just dealt with the fact I have bad skin, rather than buy something really expensive. I saw this giveaway, and I smiled huge. I hope I win this. I don’t just want it, I neeed it. Great skin adds confidence, and I need more of that. Thanks for your time. <3
For my 2nd entry, my favorite makeup product is bare minerals. It’s the only makeup I use for my skin; the only makeup that can actually tone down the dryness of my skin. I love maybelline lash blast mascara. Best mascara there is out there. (: My favorite eyeshadow kit, is probably coastal scents 88 pallete. It’s amazing<3
Boo hoo! Wish I were a US/Canadian reader…
@Brigadeiro: ): Sorry love, next time! I wish I could do an international giveaway ):
My skin has been crazy lately. This is probably partly due to all the insanity of senior year. However, I’ve been trying to find a cleanser that really clears up my skin without drying it out. In my pursuit to tame my oily skin, many products have given my the opposite problem: dry patches of skin. While I don’t have incredibly terrible skin, I’m still hunting for a product that will keep my skin clear, smooth, & hydrated, or, in a word, healthy.
As for beauty products I recommend, I definitely suggest if you want smooth, clear body skin that you try Dove’s Gentle Exfoliating Bodywash. It’s gentle enough for daily use & I’ve really noticed as soft and clear my skin has become. When I don’t use it, I can tell because my legs aren’t nearly as smooth, and my have some breakouts on my shoulders.
Also, I’m sure you’ve heard many people rave about Urban Decay’s Primer Potion & for good reason! It keeps your makeup in place all day. No more worrying about blended colors turning to sludge towards the end of the school day. If you’re wanting to experiment with a makeup, I definitely recommend this fantastic foundation of makeup magic.
This is a great giveaway, thank you for the opportunity. I have also become a skin care fanatic as of recently, thanks to some youtube beauty gurus. I have always struggled with my skin since around 12 years old, so I am always up for trying anything new that could have potential of improving my skin.
I love st. ives products, clinique, and i like a lot of homemade remedies too.
Thank you again!
Yesss! I use this cleanser-it’s so great, and actually worth the hefty pricetag. I didn’t even know it had olive oil in it?
I am always looking for a new face product to try!
I would like to win this because I generally don’t use a facial cleanser- I just wash my face with warm water. I would love to try it though!
This cleanser sounds perfect! My skin always looks better when I use natural ingredients, so the idea of olive oil in the cleanser is quite tempting. I’d love to try this!
Other entries:
2: I really love Clean & Clear’s moisturizer. By far the best moisturizer I’ve ever tried! It leaves my skin soft and hydrated.
3: I follow La Couturier on bloglovin’.
4: I follow your Pop Magazine blog on bloglovin’.
Fabulous giveaway! I’m always looking for new products and this one seems perfect, esp. because it’s for all skin types. Anything that helps with anti-aging is also key. My fav beauty product, or tool, is the Clarisonic, along with Neutrogena products. I’ve actually found that I break out less by using these together. The Clarisonic, IMHO, is def. worth the money and your skin feels smoother and cleaner after using it.
Hope I win, and thanks for the giveaway!
xo, becs
I want the Perricone because I’m desperately trying to get control back over my skin and I’ve heard that oil-based products actually help your skin to regulate its own oil production!
The other product I’d recommend is the Peter Thomas Roth Max Sheer lotion because it’s kept my breakouts from getting worse!!
I love Perricone! I am using the Cold plasma now and it works wonders! Olive oil is a fab ingredient that is gentle even for sensitive skin so I am excited about this giveaway!
I would love to win this cleanser because I have not found a good, suitable cleanser for my skin yet. It would be great to have something that’s not too dry, yet not too oily.