Heartbreak Hotel • Soft Sensibilities
For dearest Molly. Dealing with heartbreak is hardly easy; mending your broken heart is even more difficult. Sometimes all you want to do is seclude yourself from everything, immersing yourself in an empty void of loneliness parallel to the one you feel in your heart. Numbing your own feelings and ignoring what happened seems the only way to forget it – but instead, you are forcing yourself to stay where you are and preventing yourself – and your heart – from moving on. As painful as heartbreak is, it is inevitable – disappointment does exist in this not-so-perfect world of ours. It is only human to feel the hurt and betrayal; to scream, to cry yourself to sleep, to be angry. Those are real, healthy emotions. But as strange as it seems, that hurt helps you grow, allowing you to become a stronger person. Of course there is always the possibility of heartbreak to impact someone in a negative way, depending on the magnitude of the situation or his/her personality. But it is more often than not that a heartbreak leaves a positive mark on someone. The pain is only a part of the growing process; the rest is self realization, a finding of…