Hello, 2009 • Soft Sensibilities
Here’s to the first post of the year of the glorious 2009! I’m truly excited for what this new year can bring; as cliche as it may sound, change can be felt in the air. Perhaps that was said with a bit of a dramatic air; nonetheless, a new year always bring some sort of change, for better or for worse. But do keep in mind that everything happens for a reason! First things first. Establish a mantra, one that can be easily remembered and has the ability to motivate you. New Year resolutions are just as great, but sometimes we forget that long list as the year progresses (guilty as charged). So brainstorm a few encouraging phrases, type it up in some pretty font, and set it as your wallpaper on your computer/laptop! It serves not only as a daily reminder, but also doubles as a lovely background. Here’s mine; I have it printed on glossy paper, one taped on my closet door across from my leopard-print covered bed, and one on the inside cover of my new journal for 2009! A new year doesn’t necessarily call for a new you, per say. Just you, perhaps a bit revamped…