“Hello, I’m La C. and I am a nail-polish-holic.”
There, I said it. I suppose I thought confessing my unhealthy addiction of mine would be followed by the huge sigh of relief in addition to the weight of world suddenly lifting from my shoulders. But there was no gratification of the sort. Which can mean either two things: one, I’m not yet a true nail-polish-holic; or two, I am past the point of no return in this sweet tooth of mine.
It started when I was about ten or eleven, when I was promised one bottle of nail polish if I completed a wee The k’s worth of good grades, piano-practicing, and partaking in my share of chores. I worked diligently, of course, for that first bottle of pearlized mauve perfection (that soon led on to cherry reds and peach-y golds… I had quite the sophisticated taste in colours for a not-yet-pre-teen girl). And somehow along the way I went from applying lacquer only on special occasions (birthdays and Christmas) to rarely leaving the front door (or garage, depending on the day) sans polish. Exact details are a blur – perhaps I can make the strong fumes of nail varnishes the scapegoat for my inability to recall the facts?
And on those rare occasions when I actually am without polish of sorts (I dutifully give myself a manicure every one to two weeks, as chipped nail polish is one of my pet peeves), I do try to revitalize my poor nails in the attempt to nurse them back to adequate health. Surely my nails are not in pristine condition as they have suffered years of abuse (but they do look rather pretty…), but they are in decent condition. After removing every last bit of polish, I apply any sort of cuticle cream high in Vitamin E on my actual nails. Think of it as a conditioner of sorts; leave it in for a while, until the oils soak into the nails, and voilà, a smoother surface and a stronger nail that resists staining of sorts. I’m a genius, I know. (I kid, darlings.)
But I digress a bit from the point of the post. Whilst I am in attendance of this drab Nail Polish-holics Anonymous metting, I may as well confess that I bought two more nail varnishes, two of which I have been eyeing for quite some time. Not to mention, they are my latest obsessions and simply perrrfect for fall.
(my photographs are rather dodgy, as per usual; the true coloration is not captured! But beneath the bottles is the original ad I saved)
I introduce to you my latest babies, all by Sephora by OPI (a beautiful, beautiful collection of colors of which I would never hesitate to purchase more polishes from): Metrochic and Under My Trench Coat. Had I not entered Sephora with a clear mission in mind, I do think I would have been wooed by the other colours and thus would have spent hours trying on, cooing, and being indecisive over which I would bring home with me. I simply cannot say enough good things about this collection – the color pigmentation, quality, and application are phenomenal, and at $9 a bottle, they are quite the steal.
I first fell in love with Metrochic months ago when the collection first premiered (if the loyal followers from the very beginning remember my near-Christmastime wishlist, Metrochic was included), in which I tore the ad starring Metrochic from Teen Vogue and clipped it into my inspiration journal (and it is still there). The infatuation was further solidified when one of my favorite makeup gurus, Lollipop26, announced it was her favorite. It is the most unusual and unique of colors; described as “dark smoke with a hint of purple” on Sephora, but what I would call a murky purple: a blend of lavender, taupe, and gray in a cream finish. I’ve officially named it my favorite. Wearing it makes me feel inimitably chic yet mysterious; unafraid to embrace color, but done demurely. Mm.
And Under My Trench Coat, was simply irresistible for two reasons. One, I can never turn down an adorably coquettish name with suggestive context and two, I am obsessed with taupe colours. Or “light grey khaki with gold shimmer”. Either way, it vies for my love and adoration in ranking with Metrochic, though such competition is entirely unnecessary. I love both equally so. It is such a pity that I cannot photograph UMTC well; it truly is the prettiest and unique of shades!
Other polishes on the wishlist: IM Beauty (“bright buttercup yellow”) // Call Your Mother (“lavender putty”) // Meet for Drinks (“shimmering magenta plum”) // I’m With Brad (“shimmering wine over dark coffee”)
Did I mention how much I love the names? OPI truly is the most creative.
La C.
Yeah – a posting about nail polish! The colors are awesome!
I love Sephora!!! <3 And the names are truly amazing! Very creative.
Will you post some pics wearing them?? 😀
Wishing you a wonderful + relaxing weekend, darling!
xoxo sofie
ps – was so happy about the new post – didn’t recognized the title “i’m a nial-polish-holic” – soooooooo funny – thanks for sharing! 😀
Love nail polishes as well! My mom and I are constantly buying them. OPI for Sephora is so clever w/ their names! I just bought Dark Room, I think that is what it’s called?, for Sephora Beauty Insiders. It’s a dark dark green. LOVE IT. Waiting til after Labor Day to rock it.
Happy weekend!
The combination of watching too much Wendy Williams and then reading my Bloglovin’ and seeing the title for this post? My eyes started welling up in joy. With addition of fanning my eyes (lol I am a mess). I understand La C. (If I could say it in French I would). I just painted my nails Vixen Red on Tuesday, hate chipping, then it started chipping and now I just want to take the whole thing off and paint it orange. Forget painting the town red, let’s go a little less sinful and sexy and go a little more sweet with orange. (All this said before reading the post)
I hate chipped nails! How do you make it last for a one week? I love the Sephora by OPI collections, but alas I have of yet to own one. Since you can’t capture the beauty of the colours in the bottle how about a picture of them on your nails after a fresh manicure?
You treated yourself, treat us… 😉
WOW! I love it!
Great find!
I have to agree – OPI does create the best names for all of their polishes. Sometimes I find myself choosing a particular shade just because the title is appealing! 🙂
I love the fact you post more self-made pictures & the nail polish you bought is cute!
I bought my own perfect nail polish for fall last week. It’s dark purple with a little gold. It’s so nice, can’t wait to finally wear it. And OPI definitely has cute names for their nail polish, my favorite is: parlez-vous OPI?
Oh and I love the idea of Natalie, a swatch of these colours would be so nice! The last thing I want to say: why on earth don’t we get such a nice bag when we buy something? 🙁 I always have the un-ecofriendly plastic bag. Yesterday I got a paper bag (yeah, progress!), but still without the nice red thing you have there in your sephora bag.
I must tell you how much I loved this post! I adore nailpolish too, I always wear some. Right now a darkish red ^^ After all your posts about lovely Chanel varnishes I’ve been so tempted to indulge in one too!
BTW I just noticed I totally copied your inspiration layout with the black and white pictures… I didn’t notice before now. I’m so sorry! I hope it’s ok ^^
i love nailpolish, and i love going crazy with my toe nails : )
I know exactly how you feel about “having to have” a certain colour of nail polish. After reading in the August issue of Seventeen that Emerald Green nail polish was a must have for fall i had to have a bottle.
Of course, I have yet to use the colour . . . my nails are dreadful this summer.
I love the colors! 🙂 And yes, I am a sucker for nail polish as well.. Whenever I see a bottle with a nice color, and adorable name, I simply have to purchase it.
– laur @ neonmango
I’m totally addicted to nail polish too,
which reminds me, my nails are awful right now
I’ve only become addicted to nail polish recently and noticed that when I do have bare nails, they’re a bit drier than usual. I’ll keep your cuticle cream trick in mind. 🙂
wow just went to sephora and bought new nail polish.
im not as intense of a junkie as you, but i totally passed up those colors and im totally regretting it.
think i might go back and pick some more up!
Lol..I never wear nail polish but I do enjoy reading creative names for them! Have a lovely weekend :-)! xxoxoxo
i really enjoyed this post. i agree about OPI being the most creative. and the color names are almost as much fun as the polishes.
i was just at south beach sephora yesterday, and tried “under my trench coat” during my search for OPI’s matte version of “lincoln park after dark” (they don’t stock it). i got so excited about all the stuff in sephora, and my approaching hair appoint across the street at sassoon, that i forgot to buy “under my trench coat”! never mind, i’ll HAVE to pick it up before i leave the US for home (alas, no sephora in the british virgin islands…almost no shopping there at all…big sigh.)
metro chic: have it, love it! your description is right on the mark. it does seem to have a purple cast.
Amazing post !! And so, so funny !!
Btw you play the piano too ? Awesome !
This post makes me really, really laugh ! I’m just like you, nail-polish addicted ! I can NEVER decide which one I’m gonna choose, white, gold, red, nude being my absolute favorites !
But I never had a grey one now that I think about it… and that color would look FANTASTIC with my ‘real’ trench…. so I’ll pray they have it in Sephora France….
is there a nail polish help group we can join. i love buying nail polish too. : )
I am obssesd about nail polish!!!
I’m absolutely terrible about nails. With all the swimming I do, polish just comes right off in the water! (though I am actually about to leave to get them done in a few minutes!)
I am however a shoe addict, which is a rather expensive addiction…=)
Lovely fall colours! I try to keep my finger nails either clear or in a french manicure, my toenails are ever changing though.
xo t
I am crazy for the sephora for opi nail colors, I have bought a ton!
I love nail polish and lovely colors that you got there 🙂
I love giving myself manicures, it’s so relaxing and almost meditative to me, and OPI is always my polish of choice. I love the Under my Trench Coat color and taupes of all sort as well. Don’t apologize for your addiction – embrace it!
I’m With Brad sounds delish. I would call it…I’m With Hugh (Jackman that is).
great colors! 🙂
i understand completely.
it’s such a pretty colour… the only problem is the price is pretty ugly.
i think of it as an investment! you take good care of your nails; your cuticles are always fully nurtured and your nails (i assume) are filed with a perfect curve.
the work that is done for your nails, they deserve to parade around in a colour that says, “hello, nice to meet you, my name is stunning.”
i look forward to another post 🙂
OMG! I luv NAIL Polish too, the more the merrier especially in FAB colors like the ones you have chosen!
Yeah these nail polish makers are genius at coming up wit names!
2 bottles which have virtually the same colors could have totally different names. some kinda marketing strategy!
Hey dear! I know the feeling, I’m addicted to shoes and bags….
Have a great weekend 🙂
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being addicted to nail polish! I had the same problem for the longest time, but thankfully time no longer permits me to pamper my nails as much (I ALWAYS wear nailpolish on my toes however). Gorgeous colors you got there!
Metrochic looks unbelieveably pretty! Purplish greys are my favourite at the moment – though I was rather happy when I found a light blue/turquoise one at H&M today too, as I’ve been wanting a blue one since spring. I’m just glad I’m not the only one who’s addicted… there’s comfort in numbers, right?
Hope you had a lovely summer, chérie!
the dark gray is such an awesome color for fall! less drastic than black, but still makes a statement 🙂
I always wear clear nail polish, but I’m lkooking forward to wearing plums and navy this fall!
Yay for being back 😀 I need new nail polish!
lovely frame 😉
Metro Chic is my uniform nail polish color, along with Chanel’s Rouge Noir or Vendetta. It’s a truly beautiful colour by OPI, isn’t it? Even with only one coat the sheer mauve/purple-y ness is really pretty! It’s my favourite! <3 I really hope you enjoy it.
I’m going to comment this under every post: you are a darn good writer. Creative, humorous, and so sophisticated, I still can’t get over the fact that you’re only 17.
I’m headed towards the mall and I will hunt those two colors down!! I’d love to see swatches, even though your (amazingly-worded) descriptions make them beautiful & alive!
i love opi nail polish…such fabulous colors! one thing i do sometimes for beautiful, healthy nails, is break open a vitamin e capsule and rub it directly on my nails…it works great!
My favorite polishes are by Chanel, but I can never afford them. Crap.
Hey LaC, thanks for your nice comment about my illustrations! Gosh, I love nail polish too, OPI is one of the best out there. Yes, I’ve been persuaded by the cute names but I think the quality is also fantastic. Great post, your writing draws me in everytime! — Christine
i like Metrochic! and those on your wishlist sound pretty (altho they also sound very similar to Metrochic, heh — yes, we all tend to like yet continue buying similar shades). i got n/p crazy only once. it’s just a fancy of the moment (one of my many such moments) so it’s all money down the drain (again). i’ve been seeing many short colouful digits (i have short short nails) and i must say i’m mighty curious so i think i might give it a go! (oh no…)
Hello La C. Cool post. I love seeing nail polish on girls. These are some amazing ones. Hope you’ve had a great weekend. Cheers!
me too!!! i can hardly get into my refrigerator for chanel nail varnish
I love your polish posts! I’ve been sitting on tons of the fall colors since spring–(they send them to me early to write about) and have been dying to wear them. Can’t wait to hear what you think about the mattes. They really do take getting used to.
Can I join the Nail Polish Adict group too?!
I’m a nail-polish-holic ( love that word) too! I have 114 (!) different colors.
I can totally relate to you in terms of nail-polish-holic-ness (it turned out weird,lol) I would love to have every single shade of that collection! I did a bit of nail polish cleaning a couple of months ago, but now I’m looking for new shades, I’ve got the basics, but can’t wait to find the perfect corals & pastels for spring and summer.
I love Sephora & I can say I was in heaven back when I was in the US, too bad they hadn’t released the entire collection back in march.
i hear you! i love nail polish – and excited about these new colors..
since I stop biting my nails I have become a nail-polish addict too! the new colours are great!
Nice colors!
Love M
Hello 🙂
I don’t own any OPI ones. I did a post not long ago about my nail polishes, I don’t know how I have collected so many to say that I am not interested that much in nails!