Just kidding; I wish.
I’ll get there eventually, once I’ve hoarded enough savings to pay for one month’s rent. There’s no other way to live but to live fabulously broke in the city.
I’ll be away for the weekend, woohoo! Senior prom awaits tonight, and on to the weekend getaway by the notorious Jersey Shore. It’ll be grand, rain or shine, but it needs to happen now. I haven’t any hair/nail/makeup appointments – I’m doing it all by myself – so the four hour wait for pre-prom is a bit agonizing and unnecessary (thus the blog entry). I only need an hour, maximum, to prepare. Low maintenance is how I do; loose waves à la Kim Kardashian, and smoky eyes with my newly acquired babies: Smashbox Blackout (a matte black worth the $16, and the quality and pigmentation is far superior to MAC’s renowned Carbon) and NARS Bali (matte neutral taupe) eyeshadows from Sephora.
Only half an hour until it’s time to sit myself comfortably in front of the vanity and doll up. If only I wasn’t so impatient.
I’ll resurface some time next week. Until then…
La C.
yes, living fabulously broke in the city is the story of my life…and I’m not even living in NYC….though I did and had to move because I was too broke. Have at prom, and in the city when you get there 🙂
Fashion X K8.blogspot.com
have fun darling!
Hey, I love your blog!
I’m French and I don’t know if you knew, but your blog name is grammatically incorrect in French. Because, if you’re a girl, it’s feminine, which would be “la couturière.” Couturier is male… I just thought I’d let you know 🙂
@Amanda: Hi darling! Thank you so much for telling me; I addressed it in my FAQ page, the grammatical error was entirely intentional and done with reason (: This was my answer that I copied & pasted from my FAQ page for you…
“Q. Why did you name your blog La Couturier? I think in French it’s either “le couturier” or “la couturière”?
A. I actually am aware of my grammatical “error” (I do apologize to the French readers out there!); it was done intentionally – I try not to commit ignorant mistakes. First: why a French name? I’m obsessed with the French language; both written and spoken it sounds beautiful and sophisticated. I do hope & intend on improving in both areas one day. So now the story behind the name. I was doing a fair amount of research in my trusty French-English dictionary for a suitable name before starting up my blog oh, way back in July 2008. I had wanted to find a word that meant fashion designer, since that was what had initially gotten me so obsessed with fashion itself. Two words were present: le couturier, a masculine noun meaning “dress designer”, and la couturière, a feminine noun meaning “dressmaker”. Immediately it got me thinking, and perhaps I think too much. Why is it that a designer is a masculine, and a dressmaker or seamstress feminine? Of course you and I can go on about the connotations of the word and whatnot, & what it implies of both sexes. And thus, I settled for “La Couturier” – a creative phrase still retaining its meaning of “dress designer” whilst having a feminine notation.”
Thanks for informing me though! (: xx
I hope you had an amazing prom! love your blog <3
Have an amazing prom my darling, and a fabulous weekend in the city! Love from your dear French LV Girl 🙂