At the opening of Matthew Williamson for H&M. Okay. So I told you that Ashley was my favorite of the twins, and that MK's style was a bit out-there for my taste. But this outfit had me, jaw-dropping, in awe. Firstly. That kaftan-cardigan-jacket item, in Han purple (and yes, it is ... Read More
Surrounded by a Million Things
Curled up upon the bed in denim shorts and a three-quarter sleeve black sweater. It's become a daily ritual of mine upon entering the house right after school, to plop down, derrière first, into a sea of purple. Also known as the great body of comforters and coordinating, fuzzy blankets I call my ... Read More
C’est le 120e de la Tour Eiffel!
It's the 120th anniversary of the Eiffel Tower. Bon anniversaire! It is an icon, a symbol, a landmark of the f a s h i o n capital. I wear un petit version of it around my neck as a proclamation of my status as a Francophile. Bisous, La C. ... Read More