I've done one for the petite ladies, so it is only fair that one is done for the tall (and because I've been flooded with requests!). So darlings, here it is! It is only human nature to want what we don't have; the grass may seem greener on the other side of the fence, but as we've all heard one ... Read More
Call Me, Baby!
I'll lie in my bed, and talk to you all morning just b e c a u s e . << Mm what am I wearing, you ask? >> She giggles into the phone. << Let's stay on topic, hon. But if you must know, and since you so duly insist, A pair of high waisted shorts with a cropped, lace corset. S ... Read More
So It Begins At A Coffeeshop…
One V e n t i white chocolate mocha coffee, please. A venti cup was greatly needed; I was even tempted to order one with an extra shot of expresso, but I figured that such large cup of coffee would be able to do it's job. After all, I've only ever had tall orders, whose rather small size was ... Read More