How to Dress Up a T-Shirt • Soft Sensibilities
The average American owns closetfuls of tee-shirts; the très chic Parisian owns, say, three at the most. Two of them are pajamas. I am that American with a drawerful of tees, guilty as charged. How is it that I accumulate so much when my very goal whilst shopping is to stray from them? Tee-shirts are the epitome of laziness, so says my mother (who owns one or two tees, but is still a very lazy dresser). I wouldn’t go so far as to saying that, because in a nation where everyone is wearing a tee, I might just offend the entire population. Don’t get me wrong; some tee-shirts are very cute and chic, and basic black, white, and whatever color you would like is necessary in every girl’s wardrobe. But the thing is, tees and jeans don’t look put together; it just looks rushed. Here is my tip du mode (yes, its a mixture of French & English, in an attempt to create an interesting title), one that I think is a simple way to still wear those tees minus the lazy look. It also happens to be a style I am loving very much. Tip du Mode Pair…