How to Help Ukraine • Soft Sensibilities
Praying for Ukraine, however kind in sentiment, isn’t enough: Razom seems to be one of the most reliable organizations that offer education and effective ways to help. This mega-compilation covers it all when it comes to helping Ukraine as a foreigner. This thread lists resources that help provide aid to women and LGBTQI people. “Yt Feelings” is a story series (by @varathas) that lends a crucial perspective. By no means does this discussion disavow the intensity or devastation at hand—nor does this denounce the legitimacy of every call to action as Russia wages war on Ukraine—but the fact that this type of disclaimer even needs to be made speaks volumes. I’m the first to admit that there’s so much learning (and un-learning) I have to do: but this thread articulates what I’d been grappling with. I leave you with Ilya Kaminsky’s poem, “We Lived Happily During the War“ (which you may have already seen; it’s resurfaced on Twitter since February 24). Know that the message isn’t meant to guilt us: it’s to remind us all of what we have, and what we have the privilege—if not a duty—to do. . . . xx