How to Navigate Black Friday + Cyber Weekend Sales • Soft Sensibilities
Currently writing this from my parents’ kitchen table. It’s Thanksgiving, which means I haven’t gone an hour without sampling some sort of food or discussing how the U.S. affects Taiwanese/Chinese dynamics. Much will be consumed this holiday—politics, Dad’s home cooking, and in a few hours, all the things to be purchased once the sales *officially* begins. While the rest of Instagram seems to be avoiding drama or fielding a firing squad of concerned (read: nosy) aunts and uncles, I’m lucky that holiday dinners are just dinners, sans judgement. The most formal thing about Thanksgiving is the setting (we actually eat in the Formal Dining Room); otherwise it’s just Mom, Dad, Brother, and I, lounging in sweats to maximize comfort and food intake. Pre-Internet, we’d stuff our faces then walk it off while shopping the Black Friday sales. Now we just lie on the couch and click Add to Cart in a comatose state. A sluggish state, however, is no excuse for mindless shopping. The trick to emerging (from a spree, not a food coma; I’m still figuring the latter out) without regret is to strategize. A few ground rules must be established before you immerse yourself in cyber sales: Never…