… I know that I’m naive / Fellows I meet may tell me I’m sweet / But I willingly believe …

A deliciously adorable red velvet cake. Source: flickr.com
April 5th. C’est mon anniversaire, mes chéries!
Quite excited; another year passed, and so many more to go. It’s quite fantastic, getting older. Birthdays are not reminders of physical aging (as so many women tend to think), but instead, a celebration of learning, loving, experiencing, failures, and successes – all of which help to pave the way for another year yet to come. A fresh start, so to speak. To head into the next year of your life.
I’ve kept my age hidden since the start of La Couturier. In part because I rather enjoy the air mysteriousness entitled to a blogerette (so I’ve titled myself) – like a mask at a masquerade ball – in essence, it gives a sense of secrecy. At the same time, I yearned for anonymity, in the hopes that leaving my age covert would allow for my work, my writing, my ideas, my advice, etc. more credible and unbiased – sometimes age can lead to pre-judgement. And because I find it rather entertaining to read the persistent demands for my age and guesses from you chéries. All of which seem to fall uniformly from the early to late twenties. I must say that I am rather flattered at such inferences. After all, the twenties seem to be the perfect age, where I could establish myself as an independent individual in society, beginning my career. How I long to reach the twenties…
Why? Simply because I am only sixteen, going on seventeen.
La C.
P.S.: Why tell now? Because I figured I wouldn’t have any other opportunity other than this to make use of such adorable lines from the lyrics of “Sixteen Going on Seventeen” (an adorable number in The Sound of Music). I do hope that if you have any questions about anything and everything, that you will not hesitate to ask. If not, I do understand.
P.P.S.: I’ve gotten quite a few emails requesting a Question & Answer post. So ask, ask, ask! Ask a general question, or go as specific as you please. Or forever hold your piece! (Or is it peace?)
I love you. I read the title and was like..oh no! She gave away her age!
I was totally being a stalker right now.
Haha happy birthday again!
Maisha: hehehe =] Well. I had to make use of those lyrics! Couldn’t let them go to waste. I technically could delete it since you’re the only one to have read it!
Really! Oh you’re too sweet! You are a young, talented writer, I’m proud of you!
Happy bday!!!
A big hug full of love!!
Happy birthday! I hope it is a memorable one full of love and laughter, as all birthdays should be!
i can’t believe you’re only 17! i thought u were alot older since u sound sooo mature!!
happy birthday hun!
OMG OMG OMG! No way! I’m double your age! Boy, do I feel old!
Feliz Aniversario! Happy Birthday! May your birthday be as fabulous as you are 😉
J’adore La Couturier!
Gros Bisous!
Oh, woops! I was double your age, now you’re 17, not so much 🙂
But truly, you are amazing!!! It is plain to see you have humungous things in store for you 😉
Wait. What?!
You’re JUST 17?!
You are SO wise beyond your years, it’s amazing. I can’t even begin to say how shocked (but not surprised) that you are so young, so talented, so successful, & so wise.
You’ll go far in life, without a doubt.
(now when can we see your face?)
i too am shocked that you are so young, yet so wise for your years! have a lovely day xoxo
Happy Birthday! 🙂 I cannot believe you’re only seventeen but age doesn’t really matter. I’m in my twenties and as much as I hate getting older (not really) you’re totally right in saying that birthdays should be “a celebration of learning, loving, experiencing, failures, and successes”
Hope you don’t get too much of a sugar high from all the birthday cupcakes you’re getting.
But I have to say, like the comments above me, you´re only seventeen? I thought you were like 23-24 🙂 And I shouldn´t say only 17, it´s a lovely age, and one of the best ones! At least it was for me 🙂
You are wise beyond your years, and I think you have great things ahead of you, I´m sure of it! So enjoy your birthday, I hope it will be a great day!
Lots of hugs!
Oh, right, I had some questions too 🙂
Where do you live?
How come you started to blog?
You´re a dancer right? Is that what you want to be when you get older or do you want to work with something else?
And, when can we see your face? 🙂
Happy birthday darling!!!
Wow, you revealed your age!
Your my favourite 17 yr old out.
Hope you have the most fabulous birthday xx
Happy Happy 17th Birthday, La C.!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day and get everything you wished for. You deserve it. 🙂
joyeux anniversaire !!=)
You have such a wonderful blog! Happy Birthday! I’ve added you to my favorite links if you don’t mind. xxoxoxoxoxo
Happy Birthday, darling!
Wish you many, many gorgeous moments and big, incredible Love!
Happy Birthdaaaaaaay 🙂
Enjoy your day!
Hi La C,
Happy Birthday darling!
Really 16? Oooooh, Ur age U with mature thinking like that and you are FANTASTIC. I love even harder for Ur blog! I am 27, in is needed declare. This appeared so old now… 🙂
big kisses: Janet
i’m so jealous you’re so young yet so stylish already!! 😉 happy birthday “baby” girl!!
Happy sweet seventeen 😉
Keep up the good work!
x Laura
Happy Birthday darling<3 Gosh, I would never guess you were 16! I also have birthday this month, becoming 19;) I have no rush to reach 20, it’s my scary age for some reason. But after reading this I’m not that scared anymore, haha. Enjoy your birthday darling<3
happy birthday!!! I had a feeling you were a teenager- in fact, you’re the same age as moi 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful day.
My question for you is: what would you wear on a day when you don’t want to look classy, chic, or poised, and instead want to go all Erin Wasson grunge-chic? hehe just a fun question, because you have such refined style.
Happy birthday! Enjoy today~
Happy birthday!! Hope you have a red velvet birthday cake as well!! 🙂
Kisses from Paris!
Many Happy Returns of the day (how ever many or few there are)- have a wonderful weekend!!
Happy Happy Birthday! May it be full of fabulous finds, sweet treats, and gifts galore!
Happy Birthday dear! May this year be even better than the last! And whaaa??? Only 17?? You may be the coolest 17 year old I’ve ever encountered. I’m quite impressed with your maturity and wisdom.
Happy birthday! Yummiii cake!=D
Dayumm gurrrl you’re only 17! I can’t believe that. You sound sooooo much older! Like you said, in your twenties!!
That’s so cool.
I think you’re my new favorite 17 year old.
Happy birthday, darling! I’m so excited for you and hope that your day is just wonderful. Age ain’t nothin but a number – your style of writing and your thoughts are so beautiful and eloquent that no one is going to see you any differently because of your age 🙂
Have a wonderful day – and eat lots of cake (you have me craving red velvet now!).
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! *sing*<3
Thx for visiting my blog!^-^
Hope you´ll have an awesome b-day!;)
Awww~!! Happy birthday!! >:D
I’m sure you’ll probably have tons of notifications saying the HB or different renditions of it~ but I’m sure you’ll have an awesome one nonetheless!
Also…SEVENTEEN!! That’s so sweet! I kind of wish you were my friend now back when I was that age. geez!! You’re so cool! Ha~ ;D Unfortunately I’ve past that age..by a bit.
Hope you have an awesome birthday!!
Enjoy your cake and happy times!!
E> An
La sagesse n’attend pas le nombre des années ma chère! And wisdom you have my dear, no matter your age. Plus style and fantastic taste and wit.
Sometimes you know you could be friends with someone no matter the age, nationality or distance. Like with you. 🙂
Joyeux anniversaire! I hope you have the most wonderful day, the most delicious cake, and the most glamourous gifts! xxxxxxxx
Happy birthday La C!
Hehe for some reason I had the impression you were still in high school, so my approximation of your age never went up to the twenties. Keep up the fabulous blogging!
Happy birthday, darling! Here’s to a year filled with more inspiration and lots of happiness 🙂
You are crazy talented at your young age…you’re gonna go places, my dear! Happy Birthday!!
Have a great birthday!
I can’t believe it! Happy Birthday! Go have some really nice cake…mmmm carbs.
What’s your favorite cake?
Hi! Happy birthday! I love your blog too!
Love your posts about being fabulous the most, but all of them are so inspiring!
Happy birthday!!
Hm. Your favorite shoes of all time?
Happy birthday! Have a great Sunday.. Great blog 😉 bisous!
happy birthday!!<33
Oh myness, you sure have the air of individuality in your writing as someone in the twenties, very mature. I can’t believe you’re 17! but hey, happy birthday, you won’t regret turning sweet..17 (whuddever :P)
OMG you’re only 17!!! you write so well!! Happy birthday mademoiselle!
oo i love q&a posts!
favorite book & why?
current style icons?
bedtime routine (if you have a set one)?
what’s on your playlist right now (ipod/itunes)?
what do you always order from starbucks?
Oh dear, I don’t know what people have surprised you at your birthday with, but I guess you’ve surprised all of us. What can I say? Hmm…happy birthday and a lot more fantastic years La C! 🙂
/Dexter sends you a huge imaginary cake with seventeen candles!
Happy happy birthday dear La C.!
xoxo Mary Jo
I can understand you hidding your age. I hate the reaction people get when they find out I’m sixteen. It’s like an emidiate downgrade and I hate it.
I hope you have/had a fantastic day 🙂
Happy Birthday! agree with everyone else, your writing and talent does not give away your real age. Keep it up, I love reading your blog no matter what age you are!
I agree with Lisa, I suspected you weren’t “that” old! You write very well for your age and you have an incredible style instinct. Happy Birthday!!
MizzJ & Lisa: Haha! I thought I sounded my age, but was quite surprised with other readers thought I was in my twenties! You two are very observant! =] I often drop hints too, that hint at me being a high schooler (dance team, physics, etc) Lol =]
h a p p y b i r t h d a y!! xx
Happy Birthday darling<3
Did you know that the head ways approximately the same as a large grapefruit? It was when I took my head off to weigh it that I forgot your birthday. Happy Belated Birthday, sweetie. I hope you had a great day. xo
GASPP!! WHAT you are 17?? This is truly embarassing because you sound so much more mature than I and much MUCH more well spoken. Don’t get me wrong, I still love you very much! lol well Congratulations on turnin 17 sweetie!..I can’t say what I remember from being 17 butt to put it in a cheesy wayy, it’s that time when the flower blooms! lol, I wish you a veryy beautiful birthday full of love and joy and cake and may all your wishes come truee!! I think you’re an inspiration because you’re so young yet so well put together judging from how you write and the advices you give! Keep up the good work sweets!
Happy birthday hon! I love your blog x Sushi
WOW! You’re only 17?! Or were only 16 when I started reading your blog?! You sound so much older, and I don’t mean that in a bad way at all! But as in, you sound very very wise and knowledgeable, which you are. However, I did speculate sometimes whether you are in HS or not because some of the basic HS things you do, but I never gave it much thought because you just did sound older. Well, happy birthday and I hope you got the perfect cake you wanted (red velvet?).
I, in fact, do have a question or two- do you see age as a curse, something that should be feared even though with age does come those great things mentioned?
Annnndddd, where is your absolute favorite place to shop? Even if you have only been there once; it’s happened to me. HAHA.
Hi my dear-I’ve tagged you, see my post for details!!
First off, Happy Birthday fellow Arian! although knowing that you’re soo much younger than me makes me feel a whole lot older! lol.
I remember being 16 as one of the best ages to be.. you’re discovering more about yourself and the world.. the nervous anticipation for what’s to come.. its all so wonderful.
Im sure you have a bright future ahead of you, La C! Especially for a girl so well spoken such as yourself. 🙂
I cannot believe you’re only 16, because you’re amazingly mature for your age. Happy Birthday sweety, I wish you all the best and I hope you had a fun day with your loved ones! ♥
Hope I’m not too late! Happy happy birthday to you, you are a baby! 🙂
Love your blog keep it up 🙂
you are truly talented-.no matter what age. i love your blog.
Like everyone else, i do think you are incredibly mature and well spoken for 17, however i’m surprised nobody figured you were seventeen from the mention of physics class, and the biggest giveaway that puts you exactly at junior year of high school, the SATs. Anyway, Happy (belated) Birthday!
Hello La C. I do hope you had a great birthday. I had no idea who were so young. I definitely figured you were probably 22 to 25 or so. You are a fantastic writer. I love your blog posts. Take care. Have a great week. Cheers!
Aw happy birthday. That cake looks so amazing. Oh to be 17 again!
Happy birthday to you! And may all your wishes come true! And if they dont i swear i will punch them:)
Happy sweet seveteen!
Happy belated Birthday doll,
I really cannot believe you are so young,
you have talent and wisdom way beyond your years, <3
Happy birthday!! =DD
You are truly incredible. I wish I wrote so well when I was 16!! I doubt I’d ever reach your standard. Keep up the fantastic work on this blog!! and I do wish you every happiness in life =) 17’s such a good age. God I feel ancient now.
Well… I’m seventeen too, I made them in february !!
But I told so on my blog xD…. it’s quite surprising but it’s also cool to have some ‘age-connection’ in the blogosphere !!
And really, happy birthday dear !! I know I’m late but I really wish you the best ! ;D
I’m a day late, but happy Bday my dear. enjoy 17… becuase being 23, ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. lol.
Have a great one.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…I simply adore your blog. Your age is a fresh surprise, and I appreciate you coming forward with it. Your knowledge of fashion is Ah-mazing! Keep up the wonderful posts, and Happy Birthday!!
i had a feeling you were young despite your amazing writing and posting abilities! you are beyond your age miss..and be proud of it!
hope one day to see your pretty face on here though 🙂
thanks for your comment – and HAPPY SWEET 16!! I hope you had a special Sweet 16 KISS 🙂
xxx love bel
You crack me up. Now I have this song stuck in my head.
Happy Birthday! (kind-of) that’s my favroite song from sound of music. You are younger than I suspected (i thought like 20 – 21) – you’re quite sophisticated.
I’m 15 going on 16 (May 12 will be my day)
Happy Birthday and i wish you many, many more !
xoxo Mo
Happy Birthday! (kind-of) that’s my favorite song from sound of music. You are younger than I suspected (i thought like 20 – 21) – you’re quite sophisticated.
I’m 15 going on 16 (May 12 will be my day)
Happy Birthday and i wish you many, many more !
xoxo Mo
Happy birthday. And this is adorable “Birthdays are not reminders of physical aging” — but get back to me when you’re 41.
wow! you’re only sixteen?! i definitely thought you were older. well, it’s nice to have another teen around–even though i won’t be a teen for much longer!
and i kind of agree with wendyB, when you get to a certain age–birthdays do just remind you of how old you’re getting. but bdays aren’t a big deal to me anyway.
thanks so much for your comment 🙂
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, enjoy your 17’s !!! you have a life for you, yet seem to have experience already 😉
happy birthday again! i’m an april baby, too. and i cannot believe you’re 17. way mature for your age. 😉
This is truely a shock, but it’s fantastic that you have such talents and that you are channeling them in such a positive way 🙂 Happy Birthday lovely keep up the great work. xx
Girl, I hope you seriously consider writing as your career path. Few teenagers can write with the poise and ease you possess. Take advantage of your gift, honey! Maybe one day we’ll be reading your articles in Vogue…
WAOUW HAPPY BDAY, so long time i read your blog. i’ve really missed it!
so long time ago * 😉
woah, i could have sworn you were in your 20’s! maybe its because your writing is very mature
Happy Birthday ma cherie!
I have to say I would’ve guessed older!
you are wise beyond your years lovely.
hope you had a beautiful birthday.
My fellow on Facebook shared this link and I’m not dissapointed that I came here.
Happy birthday!!! That cake looks delicious. I was shocked to see you are only 17. You are a very amazing writer, and yes, I would have guessed you were around 23 or so. Keep blogging! I enjoy reading your posts.
Uh my gosh. Your the same age as me. I have even more respect for you than I did before. Happy belated birthday. I am so not over that. Wow. Truly wow.
Congratulations on your past birthday and at making such a successful blog. Very very well done.
You do know old JohnnyDepp is, non? but I’m so with you, at much older, so I get him first. Seniority has its privileges. 🙂
Here’s a fun one for you, in Arabic, “no” is “la”. La la to the naysayers.
Follow your dream, I wish you the best, even when I don’t agree with your choices.