I’m not perfect. I drink my hot cocoa out of a Tinkerbell mug (my favorite, actually)—not one of a sophisticated Starbucks variety—and leave less than perfectly symmetrical lipstick stains. I prefer my [eye] makeup to be messy, smudged, and slightly haphazard because imperfection seems to exude je ne sais quoi. Only, it’s completely unintentional: liner and mascara simply refuse to stay in their proper places. I wear glasses, need concealer, and eat food whenever I’m craving. I never remember dance combinations until class ends, and can never seem to keep my wallet even decently organized. I avoid counting—and using—change, choosing instead to hand bills to clerks to save time and avoid the awkward “Err, sorry, I can’t find that penny, I know I have it though! I saw it a second ago…” Perhaps I’m the reason why the Federal Reserve wants to oust the existence of coins. And once that happens, I shall be wholly responsible for their extinction. Fabulous.
I’m impatient, headstrong, and moody. My emotions and passions dictate what I will put my all into, for better or for worse. I’m the best procrastinator. I have a caffeine addiction, and am too lazy to wear push-up bras. I’m an all-or-nothing kind of girl. Either or. No maybes, ifs, ands, or buts.
I’m terrible with responding to calls or texts unless my phone is firmly glued to my hand, in which case, on the rare occasion that does happen, I seem to have no friends. I spend more time at the library than at the beach during the summer, and am insecure about stripping down into a bikini for the world of beach-goers to see (despite my recent little spree on Victoria’s Secret; wishful thinking, I call it). I can dance for hours and walk for miles through rain/snow/sleet/graveled roads in heels, yet somehow cannot run a mile within a decent time, and always manage to be terribly awkward and clumsy in flat shoes. Go figure.
My girlfriends don’t exactly understand why or how I could possibly think romance to be highly overrated. I don’t believe in true love or “the one” and find The Notebook one of the most ridiculous films I’ve wasted my time watching. They say I’m cynical—but I’m a realistic idealist who keeps the dreaming to myself. I have curves and prefer dressing the flaunt them. The coveted yoga belly is far from reality, and I hate my thighs. I’m restless, easily bored.
And that’s just the beginning. The truth is, I know what my shortcomings are, and I have absolutely no qualms addressing it to a group of strangers. But it’s not to say that you shouldn’t change yourself for the better. Case in point: I procrastinate. And I’m en route with rehabilitation and changing that. My caffeine addiction, however, can remain intact—I don’t trust people who take their coffee decaf.
I intended this long-winded ramble to be an article on acknowledging, accepting, embracing, and flaunting our flaws. Because it is the so-called “imperfections” that make us not only human—real, so to speak—but individuals in this world of six billion something and counting (to reach 7,000,000,000 in 2011, according to Wikipedia. Fun fact of the day.). Think of these characteristics as you would a hand-made Birkin. It’s the “no two bags are alike” that makes the bag all the more covetable, non?
Imperfection is beauty. What are yours?
. . .
{image via}
Firstly, this post is so inspirational, and really want to say thank you for writing something likes this, (it really has came in the perfect time with what is happening in my life ATM)
Now where do I start? I too have a coffee addiction and can be very clumsy in flat shoes. I have stretch marks on my bottom, and have curves yet are skinny which makes things difficult when buying clothes. I bite my nails, and have split ends on my hair despite how many times I get it cut. I’m forgetful and messy, yet have streaks of perfectionist. I find it hard getting along with other females, and have one friend. I dress up for everything and wear heels everyday, I find it hard at times going out without make up.
The list could go on, though I’m beginning to accept my body and mind, its starts from within!
@Toni Yvonne: Aww thank you so much – that really means a lot to me! And yes I agree – accept your so-called flaws. They’re what make us all unique and beautiful (:
hey there
I was just wondering how you can go on about your imperfections, yet have a million blog posts
about how so many guys want your attention basically. Also, you have a million posts about wanting to lounge around the house in pretty, sexy things and wear itty bitty bikinis. Pretty much throughout all of your posts, you seem to have all this confidence and seem to think highly of yourself, now you’re saying your insecure ?!
Just a thought!!
love ya though!
@Natalie: Hey love! I don’t think I have anything close to more than handful posts about guys – and in the grand scheme of things, it’s a rarity I just happen to bring up on my blog (since it fits in with the idea of being coquettish!). I apologize if I’ve come off sounding arrogant or otherwise, it’s sarcasm. Plus, I love a bit of girl talk – I figure this would be the perfect place for it.
Yes I value my self-worth; every person should. But while I may portray and carry myself in a certain manner, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I think I’m actually perfect. Every girl has her insecurities; most of us just hide it. A VS angel may seem like she would be the most confident girl in the world, but I don’t doubt that she has moments where she questions her beauty, compares herself against other supermodels etc. It would be unfair to think that of her.
Point is – this was my attempt at opening up. Yes, it’s on the surface, but why share everything on this blog? This is ABC. This is only a portion of me. A small section I choose to elaborate and expand upon; while I appreciate your input, I just think people need to understand that a blog’s persona is not necessarily representative of the person behind it as a whole. Just a thought! (:
P.S.: I don’t want to lounge around the house in pretty, sexy things (I live with my parents and brother, for goodness’ sake!) – I do it in gym clothes. That post was dedicated to a few emails from readers asking what to wear should they want to look sexy at home.
Thank you for stopping by & taking the time to comment, though!
I just wanted to apologize!! After reading your comments, I understand where you’re coming from!
Keep up on the fun posts! And srry again for judging you the wrong way!
@Natalie: Hi again! Please – don’t ever feel the need to apologize for your opinions. (: Their yours, and I respect them!! But thanks so much for being understand; I know what I say can be taken in one way or the other, and not everyone has the same (sometimes twisted haha!) sense of humor I do! But seriously, sometimes I need a reality check because I might be taking thing too far – so thanks for that. Really (:
Thanks for stopping by <3
Well you already know about my coffee addiction, when dealing with stressful situations everyone always says how I’m so calm and handle it well but inside I’m very close to a heart attack. I procrastinate like crazy, have stuffed animals all over my room, I am very very very bad at getting back to people with the phone as I’ve never actually liked talking on the phone. I can be super super indecisive but once I make my decision nothing can stop me, which sometimes isn’t the greatest. I’m super logical and that can make me seem cold sometimes and not at all emotional like most girls which gives people around me the wrong idea.
I dislike my nose…alot but would never get it changed because I’m afraid that I won’t be me anymore after.
and the list goes on and on.
thank you for doing this post thought, it was lovely to read and after writing all this down I feel a bit better.