It's Better Late Than Never • Soft Sensibilities
I’ve been so ridiculously behind with tags (I’d say a few months behind, now?). I love doing them, but I get so caught up with ideas for new posts that I put tags aside. So I do apologize profusely if I never did a tag of yours; I’ve forgotten who’s tagged me & whatnot. But here are the long-due ones :). Have fun – or not – reading, darlings! But beware: a massive, word-heavy post awaits! Tag #1 The ever edgy & chic Nina of Femme Rationale has tagged me a couple of times (sorry for not doing tag # 1 & # 2 earlier!). The first was that popular “go to the fourth folder of your pictures and select the fourth photo & explain it” tag. My Pictures > Spring 2008: Paris! > Montemarte Square I do apologize for the horrible photo quality; it was taken on a rather rainy night whilst my friends and I were rushing to meet the rest of our group (descending endless flights of slipper stairs simultaneously stuffing warm crepes to prevent them from getting soggy from the rain isn’t the best of circumstances!). It was the prettiest little place to dine; gorgeous, so warm, and so…