La Couturier x POP Magazine! • Soft Sensibilities
I’ve been dying of excitement for the past month. L i t e r a l l y . I was approached by David, of the newly staffed British cult magazine POP Magazine (of which I am highly obsessed with, but can never seem to get my hands on a hard copy in the U.S. sadly) late July, inviting me to partner with POP Magazine and its newly launched website, the, in creating my own blog under their platform. I was more than floored to commit to such major a partnership; it goes without saying the amount of flattery (and disbelief!) that La Couturier was chosen for this project. Only twenty other bloggers were selected – and I, a mere seventeen year old girl who knows only how to ramble standing (virtually, of course) alongside the likes of Jak & Jil?! I am more than honored – I have long admired and revered the magazine since Katie Grand first founded it for its edgy, I-don’t-give-a-damn idea. So I present to you LACOUTURIER.THEPOP.COM: an edgier version of my take on fashion. Head on over, darlings! Post number one is rather monumental. EDIT: Fear not lovelies, this blog will always be…