Ah, Valentine’s Day. Supposedly the second biggest day with a capital V (if ya know what I mean) in a girl’s life—but for the sake of attempts at brevity, and for the sanity of you and I both—let’s just take that statement with a grain of salt and not have me launch into a feminist diatribe on the objectification of women by reducing her character and worth to her virginity (as if her sexuality were her only worth and “selling point”).
This V-Day, however, I don’t mind. Not one bit—and it has naught to do with my relationship status. Single, taken, or (hopefully willingly) caught somewhere in between, Valentine’s Day shouldn’t just be reserved for lovers: it’s a day of love! It’s easy to dismiss this as a Hallmark holiday—aren’t we supposed to show our love and appreciation for our loved ones year-round?—but we’re human, and sometimes life gets in the way and we forget; it’s the sad and simple truth.
And if that isn’t enough, remember this: we are what we take away from what we’re presented. Valentine’s Day may have emerged with greedy intentions, but there’s sentiment there amongst all the bullshit. For that alone then, why not take advantage of the occasion to celebrate all the relationships you hold dear?
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Send flowers to all the women in your life. Your mother, your aunt, your best friends, your best friend’s mother (a.k.a. your second mom!), your boyfriend’s mom, etc. Sometimes its the simplest gesture that means the most.
…and include a few sweet nibbles too. Forget the pre-boxed sets and pop into a chocolatier, cupcake shop, or macaron boutique for a little extra something to send. Personalize the assortment yourself—a few marzipan truffles from Godiva, a classic cupcake, a few colorful French pastries— and you have yourself a sweet something to send to someone. Anyone.
Write a love letter. No emails allowed—we’re talking good ol’ snail mail for that personal touch. Again, such a gesture isn’t limited to couples (though it’s highly recommended): tell your best friends, your parents, your whomever why you love them and seal it with a kiss. Sending it to your lover? Spritz the paper with your perfume before sealing it—scent is incredibly powerful in conjuring memories and emotions—and if you’re feeling particularly naughty, include a little somethin’-somethin’ in your package. I’m leaving that up to your imagination, but if you insist on a few ideas to start, a Polaroid, a silk restraint, a pair of …
Pop into Agent Provocateur, Faire Frou Frou, Forty Winks, or Journelle. Any lingerie boutique will due, really; these just happen to be long-time favorites of mine. I’m a firm believer in wearing something beautiful every day, but there’s nothing like pulling out the big guns for a special occasion. Sure, you could always turn to your trusty arsenal of favorites, but investing in something new and extra special is exciting. For starters, lingerie isn’t just a treat for your partner: it’s for you too. Not to mention, you’ll have christened this new set with memories—you can’t help but smile or feel a little giddy the next time you wear it.
Book a dance lesson or dance private for you and or significant other. Second only to one thing, dancing is about as intimate as it gets. Salsa is always a cute, couple-y option, but if you’re after something a little more steamy, try bachata or kizomba. You’ll thank me later, babe.
Cook dinner for that someone special. Food is the way to everyone’s heart, for the record. It’s simple, but there’s beauty in simplicity, and it’s through simplicity that true intimacy is best achieved. Leave the phones at the front door and let it just be the two of you in candlelight, enjoying each other’s company sans distractions.
…and follow with bubbly. Champagne, chocolates, and might I suggest a hot bath or massage on the menu? Again, don’t overlook the simple stuff. They’re classics for a reason (and plus, when do we ever get to properly sit down and relax? Indulge a little!)
Cheers to life, love, and happiness.
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Read more: How to Be (A Bit) Coquettish | Single on Valentine’s Day | I Love Me Before Men
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Your turn. Thoughts?