Look Up, Darling • Soft Sensibilities
Things aren’t going so well in my corner of the universe. I’m not fitting into my clothes the way I’d like to; I’m stressed about everything; and I have less than 10 days to get into the best shape of my life (which isn’t happening, I’ve come to terms with). Trivial things, maybe, but we’re not gonna get too deep here just yet. You and I, we’re acquaintances. Maybe one day I’ll let you in. It’s hard to see the good when you’re stuck. It’s hard to get back on your feet, too. But the world can be good if you let it: hate seems to be everywhere, but you’re reminded otherwise when a friend reaches out as if she knew you needed someone to talk to. Or, a stranger tells you, hey, you dance beautifully, and for a moment you’re relieved of self-doubt and self-criticism. Then, there’s the supposed lazy intern who wrote Melania Trump’s speech, who just might be a genius shedding light (i.e.: bringing down) the Trump campaign, one plagiarized speech at a time. The world can be cruel. But if you look up, you’ll see a Pokémon. (I’m kidding. Don’t walk and catch ’em all.) Look up, darling, and you’ll see the…