How To Beat the Monday Blues • Soft Sensibilities
This is just for you, SEAH! 🙂 A greater majority of society can agree that Mondays are perhaps the worst day of the week. Or, rather, the day they dread the most, wishing instead to sleep right through that horrid day and wake up with a fresh start into Tuesday. The reasons, are well, scientifically unknown (but then again I did no research on this), though it can be assumed that the human species, as a whole, simply dreads the repetitive cycle of their life: waking up to go to work/school to start yet another week. There’s nothing too excited about it; it all seems to be the same. So whomever finds a cure for the Monday Blues, as they are so rightfully named, will probably be mankind’s greatest hero, and will mostly likely have more than a couple buildings of commemoration erected in his/her honor. Like the next John D. Rockefeller (of the U.S.), only this miracle worker’s name would be renown internationally. But for now, we must rely on the fact that Monday will in fact be over in a matter of 24 hours, a quarter/third of which is spent sleeping. Though there are a few number of things…