Queen of good vibes, over here.
There was a solid minute of confusion when I saw a “Your Item Has Shipped!” email from Amazon. It was a Joan Didion book I didn’t recognize—the first red flag—and I couldn’t remember ordering any one of her books within the last month. I clicked through with exactly two scenarios in mind: best case, Amazon’s perfect logistics system had finally f-ed up; worst case, I was been hacked by someone with fantastic literary taste (and I’d need to purchase a copy for myself).
Neither theory was actualized. Turns out it was me who ordered the book in question: I pre-ordered it back in November (the moment it was available for purchase, actually), and now it’s officially on its way to me (!).
What a way to start a Monday.
It would’ve been enough to last me the week—I’m giddy enough about new Didion as it is—but the good vibes don’t stop there. Waiting at my desk post-meeting (which was dreaded, but turned out to be both positive and productive) were two packages: a Glossier Cloud Paints and gorgeous goodies from TLK.
New week, new things. Good vibes all around.
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I am so happy to see you are writing more, really enjoying your posts 🙂
I have banned myself from purchasing more books until I finish the ones I already have (also, how did I accumulate so many books in Ghana despite having a kindle filled with to read books?). This new Didion is making it hard though… Still resisting!
Miriam! I’m so happy to find you here. <3 If you're even in NY again, let's (finally) meet up! x