Mondays Are Fine • Soft Sensibilities
It’s been a full week and I’m still fighting off a persistent cold, one week later. Office germs and lack of sleep (I’ve not had more than two to three hours of sleep a night) are probably to blame—but nevertheless, she persisted. I’ll admit: I’m still disappointed that I wasn’t able to march this past weekend, but spending my Saturday surrounded by intelligent, talented women more than compensating for missing the Women’s March. First, I met Gabrielle Kerr of QVC’s “AM Style with Gabrielle,” whose ability to make every guest feel at ease is a rare, meritable gift: Then, later that evening, I shared the stage with two powerhouse women. Shawn Kilinger, our host for the second time, is a force to be reckoned with; her tireless energy and charisma captivate both the room and the viewers with utter ease—again, another quality I so admire. And then there’s Martha Stewart, of course, who will always be bigger than any adjective used to describe her. There are no words except that it’s simply a privilege to be in her company. Watch the hour-long segment below: . . . xx P.S.: For those asking, both dresses were purchased from ASOS a few months…