oh là là, that would be my fancy new nokia n97 ringing. • Soft Sensibilities
Did I ever mention that I love receiving packages, big or small, in the post? Meet my lovely new friend Juley all the way WOM World/Nokia (it’s quite an advanced technological place, so I’ve heard). She’s staying with me for two weeks time; doesn’t she look lovely sitting atop my petite edition of The Fashion Book? The Nokia N97 mini‘s are always the prettiest of the lot. I will admit that I’m quite inept when it comes to technology; blogging is already an impressive feat, I make bangin’ PowerPoint presentations (if I may say so myself!), and I couldn’t quite possibly live without my laptop/dodgy mobile/iPod. Anything beyond the basics still remains a mystery to me. Regardless of my dependency on the three aforementioned technological tools, when it comes down to it, I would much prefer my pen and stationary for a bit of classic snail mail. It’s far more romantic. Yet when Shira, over at WOM World/Nokia e-mailed me with the opportunity to try out the Nokia N97 Mini – a mobile device that “combines both style and technology” – I couldn’t exactly resist. I have quite the penchant for pretty little doodads and devices, all of which have…