Something about those Louis Vuitton bunny ears is just so fresh.
Boudoir sexy yet so demure.
A hint of humor and a touch of desire.
The Parisian couturier’s take on tacky Playboy bunny ears?
S i m p l y haute.
La C.
{image source: t h e f a s h i o n s p o t }
I was just wondering what to wear for a party next weekend – I wanted something slightly scandalous and definitely unique. And two seconds later you link to this post on Twitter… it’s destiny! I’m thinking this might be a wonderful DIY-project, perhaps in dark blue velvet, with either sequins or chains added in some manner. Thank you for the inspiration, love!
I first adored the bunny ears when I saw the pictures of LV’s runway show and I still adore them now. 🙂 Such a cute-but-coquettish look. Daria makes them look even better! Thanks for posting this. 🙂
Haha bunny ears, I still don’t know what to make of them. Yes the Parisian take on the Playboy version, I do agree, but there is still something quite comical about them nonetheless! Perhaps best for a fun, dignified costume party? Imagine walking into school with these on, that would be making a statement!
Daria is my muse!!! She is absolutely stunning and even more so in this picture. I just might have to recreate this one :)- Thanks for stopping by my blog…your is FaB.U.loUs btw. Have a wonderful weekend.
Weird how bunny ears can be so chic! Love it<3
I totally agree. You feel like playing with a doll or so… just that the doll is a little bit grown up ;D
i agree completely about the bunny ears. wow how freaking amazing does daria look here?
I love it!
I’m in – love with this! I really like the contrast of colors between her pants, MAKEUP and ears.
Loving you always.
Hope you’re doing just fine!
@Dakota: Hi love! (: Thanks, I’m doing quite well – just busy (as per usual!) xx
I love it so much!
So gorgeous! Love this cover!
I’m loving this trend too!
I have pictures of all of the Louis Vuitton models wearing these bunny ears. I’ve been obsessed since the first moment I laid eyes on them! 🙂
Cafe Fashionista: S A M E . I have all the runway images saved in my folder; I am absolutely enamored with that show/collection! My favorite of Paris. Or of the season, rather!
Daria….oh my godddd!
sHE IS….fabulous!
Bunny ears! Love it. The cover is amazing
Love this cover… didn’t like when Madonna wore them though.
jaime: Same! I do think the effect of these bunny ears depends upon who wears them and how they carry themselves; on Madonna they look slightly trashy… in my honest opinion, of course!
I like it too, the Olsen’s sisters wore them, but smaller, it was gorgeous!
Miss G*: Did they? I must look that up maintenant! xx
i like animal-like ears. and these are cute
have a great week!
Gerri Ward: Right?! I do feel as if they epitomize sexiness this season. At least the Louis Vuitton ones do! (;
thanks for the comment on my blog. i’m glad cos now i’ve also found a new blog to read haha =)
dontdancenaked: I’m so glad! (: I’ll be visiting yours quite often!
I was just thinking I needed to get one of these for Halloween next month… a more sophisticated version of the Playboy bunny for sure (remember Bridget Jones in her outfit?). If I could, I’d find an excuse to wear these every day, but something tells me that I’d get some pretty stupid looks…
@hauteworld: Right? I was thinking something along the lines of that for Halloween sans the tackiness. And agreed (; If only the rest of the world knew the joy of couture, Louis Vuitton bunny ears…
awesome cover! hot hot hot. this makes me miss Montréal.
♡ R
i’ve moved to a new address, click to 🙂
She is so damn hot!!
This is such a funny picture ;p, love the bunny ears.
Once again I totally agree with you! Love the bunny ears and LOVE the Daria picture! That girl looks classy even half naked!
@Elena: Agreed! I really am in awestruck at how Daria can wear anything (or nothing at all) and still look so sophisticated and sexy in the classiest manner. Truly amazing.
I’m not really into this bunny thing but they look quite cool in here!
Great cover. Love the bunny ears. She’s very sexy.
I LOVE THIS. it’s such a good combination of adorable-ness 😉 and edge! Bunny ears are so lovely, even though i don’t like bunnies…
Daria is amazing, i have her Matthew Williamson for H&M ad on my bedroom wall, she’s so refreshing!
Mo: You can do no wrong with adorable sexiness, no? (; And I love how versatile she is – from haute couture sophistication to fresher looks, she’s quite amazing in that sense!
To be honest, I think this is kind of stupid… More power to people who like them, but huge “bunny ears” are not for me!
@The Frocker: Your honesty is appreciated darling!