I’m currently attempting to organize my notes and thoughts about the Alexander McQueen exhibit into a comprehendible review. It’s long, to say the least—I’ve had to extend my self-imposed deadline to a later time this evening.
In the interim is a preview of what’s to come (if you’re interested in my opinion, that is). Since no photographs were allowed, all I have to offer, unfortunately, are my horrid sketches and hastily written notes; my notebook is always a pretty accurate reflection of how my mind words…
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I really wanted to see this exhibit, but alas, I’ll have to settle for buying the book. I can’t wait to read your thoughts about it.
May I just say that you’re writing is gorgeous. I love journals ect. And I really am impressed and lusting over the aesthetics of the inside of yours. Gorgeous.
@Heather: Aww thank you so much!
Wow Kim, I love your oufit (I’d love to see more :D), it’s so chic and classy. And I adore your scrapbook aussi!
@Miriam: Haha thank you – that means so much! I dress so boring, this is probably as exciting as it gets (;
You’re so pretty! more outfit posts, please!! =D
@anonymous: Aww you’re so sweet! I’d love to, but my personal style really is quite basic and not at all interesting or fashionable. I’d hate to bore you all! x