Tagged by one of my favorite bloggers/illustrators of all time, La Flore et Le Faune with the “Over the Top Award“, who is, without a doubt, one of the most brilliant people I have yet encountered in this lovely blogosphere we all know and love dearly. But on with the tag: I must answer a few questions, and pass it on!
Where’s your cell phone: bra (quite classy, I know)
Your hair: long
Your mother: proper
Your father: hilarious
Favorite Food: chocolat
Dream last night: partying in the american apparel u-back longsleeved dress in black
Favorite drink: coffee
What room are you: ze bedroom
Hobby: writing
Fear: nothing
Where were you last night: hmm…
Something that you aren’t: unhappy
Muffins: chocolate chip
Wish list item: Longchamp Légende (black or plum with gold trim)
Where did you grow up: jersey
What are you wearing: slip
Your pets: you!
Friends: life
Something your’e not wearing: sweats
Favorite store:
Favorite color: metrochic
Last time you laughed: reading la flore et la faune
Your best friend: love
Place you go to over and over: school
Person who emails you regularly: barneys
Favorite place to eat: starbucks
In turn I tag all of you – answer in the comments below or on your own blog!
bisous, xx
What an instructive post 😉
And bravo, great idea to tag all your readers. Brilliant (as usual!)
Bises de Paris.
Chocolate, Chocolate Chip & Starbucks. Totally agree.
Cute! I will def do this one 🙂
Cute from a cutie girl! 🙂
so good to know more about you, darling! 🙂
lol@ #1 question. I haven’t tried that! fun, fun tag LC!
Awesomeeeee !!! I adore this: ” Your pets: you! ” xD well thanks for the compliment 😛
Hugs !
I’ll do this in my blog later tonight<3 Loved your answers! Especially the cellphone one!:D
Hmm not familiar with this bra brand. And what WERE you doing last night? Haha
Where’s your cell phone: in my bag
Your hair: angled bob
Your mother: old
Your father: older!
Favorite Food: penne a la vodka
Dream last night: don’t remember, to be honest
Favorite drink: :-X
What room are you: office
Hobby: shopping, reading blogs
Fear: heights
Where were you last night: office, working late 🙁
Something that you aren’t: depressed
Muffins: pumpkin
Wish list item: Chanel pumps
Where did you grow up: FL
What are you wearing: pjs
Your pets: 1 cat
Friends: GNO
Something your’e not wearing: socks
Favorite store: net-a-porter
Favorite color: red
Last time you laughed: your first answer
Your best friend: sister
Place you go to over and over: work
Person who emails you regularly: my hubby <3
Favorite place to eat: my own kitchen
Love that AA U-back dress! I have it is plum… it makes my life happy
I always love reading posts like this. Cool to learn more about you. Hope your week started off well. Cheers!
Man do I need some coffee right now. and a delicious muffin…
Thanks for the comment miss~ [I really do miss that black dress…maybe I can find someone to get it for me as an early bday pres..bahahaha]
E> An
Where’s your cell phone: handbag (today: Chloe Silverado)
Your hair: long
Your mother: cute
Your father: so so smart
Favorite Food: brazilian
Dream last night: hm…not sure
Favorite drink: Guarana Antartica (brazilian soft drink I can’t get here)
What room are you: living/lounge room
Hobby: reading/eating/photographing food
Fear: insects
Where were you last night: on my couch…
Something that you aren’t: arrogant
Muffins: blueberry or choc chip (hard decision)
Wish list item: Lanvin ballet flats, Chanel reissue bag
Where did you grow up: Brazil
What are you wearing: jersey dress with wool top over it (just got home from work)
Your pets: my hubby!
Friends: my closest are my sisters – Love ’em to death!
Something your’e not wearing: acid-wash jeans
Favorite store: net-a-porter?
Favorite color: Oooh, so many, navy, fireengine red, grey marle…
Last time you laughed: today at work
Your best friend: hubby/sisters
Place you go to over and over: supermarket?
Person who emails you regularly: family
Favorite place to eat: Brazil
Ooo, I loved reading your answers! I love knowing little things like this about others.
It was nice reading this interview about you. I love coffee and my hobby is also writing 🙂 Just wanted to say thank you personally for the wonderful comment you left. Really meant a lot to me. Hope you’re having a good week.
I love how you filled in the tag :)! But what’s your favorite store? :P, it’s empty, don’t know if you did that on purpose?
haha, I love that your cell phone is in your bra
Yay, i love these!
Where’s your cell phone: Purse
Your hair: super long and gross
Your mother: is mistaken for my sister, YOUNGER sister!
Your father: absent
Favorite Food: I can’t limit it to just one!
Dream last night: last, last night I dreamt I was late for class but it felt nightmarish and scary!
Favorite drink: water
What room are you: uni library
Hobby: bloggin
Fear: BUGS
Where were you last night: in bed reading
Something that you aren’t: unkind
Muffins: lemon poppyseed
Wish list item: too many, right now I’m hunting for a leather jacket
Where did you grow up: Oakville
What are you wearing: Black pants, grey crewneck sweater
Your pets: (VERY CUTE LA C! HAHA), I would say my guy haha
Friends: icing
Something your’e not wearing: bracelets *gasp*
Favorite store: H&M
Favorite color: purple
Last time you laughed: this afternoon, don’t remember at what
Your best friend: my true friend
Place you go to over and over: in my heeeead
Person who emails you regularly: SPAM
Favorite place to eat: LIV in Niagara on the Lake
hey hun, thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog 🙂
this is such an interesting post, and the first question made me giggle! i have a friend who keeps lipgloss there for some strange reason!
♥ Hannah
Great answers lovey!
Starbucks…you’re too cute!
Ha, these answers made me smile. Hope you pop by, I was thinking of you because I’m doing an OPI giveaway–all the colors Marc Jacobs used for his spring 2010 runway show.
xoxo Mary Jo from trustyourstyle.com
Where’s your cell phone: lying next to me on a book
Your hair: blonde, long
Your mother: loving
Your father: also loving
Favorite Food: tortellini!
Dream last night: it was snowing and I decided to wear ballet flats!:O
Favorite drink: coca cola light
What room are you: the livingroom
Hobby: shopping, blogging, reading
Fear: a specific rollercoaster
Where were you last night: in bed sick:(
Something that you aren’t: doing my homework:$
Muffins: Chocolate chip!
Wish list item: a Marc by Marc Jacobs bag, don’t remember the name right now
Where did you grow up: The Netherlands, interesting, non?
What are you wearing: a peach-beigy zara cardigan, levis and a tank, nothing special.
Your pets: a cat
Friends: Supporting
Something your’e not wearing: make-up, haha
Favorite store: don’t have a specific favourite
Favorite color: light-blue
Last time you laughed: your first answer
Your best friend: my best friends
Place you go to over and over: school
Person who emails you regularly: whowhatwear haha
Favorite place to eat: at the table, with my family
I got to “chocolate chip muffins” and was like, exactly, me too.
I had a funny father too, god bless him. xo
ah i love la flore et la faune. And thanks for the great answers – now we know another little piece of you.
cool tag, great answers!
great tag and i’m so impressed by everyone else who did it here in there comments!
Fun! I’ll definitely answer this in my blog 🙂
It would be interesting if you accidentally took a cell-phone picture.
WendyB: Oh it would be… I suppose it would be leopard print then! (;
Where’s your cell phone: either in my room or pocket…
Your hair: medium-length
Your mother: typical Nigerian
Your father: wise
Favorite Food: chocolate
Dream last night: first days as NYU student, being part of fashion week
Favorite drink: coffee
What room are you: mum’s bedroom
Hobby: writing, music, dreaming, reading
Fear: God, failure
Where were you last night:
out with friends at Centennial Olympic Park
Something that you aren’t: without work to do
Muffins: hmm, prefer cupcakes…
Wish list item: Miroslava Duma’s closet
Where did you grow up: Lagos, Nigeria (five years) then Atlanta
What are you wearing: big t shirtand tights
Your pets: none
Friends: God, co writers at VOX, family, anyone
Something your’e not wearing: fur
Favorite store: flea market, H&M
Favorite color: midnight colors
Last time you laughed: at my mom trying to figure out facebook
Your best friend: imagination
Place you go to over and over: school, VOX in downtown atlanta
Person who emails you regularly: my editors…
Favorite place to eat: caribou coffee (in love with the White Hot Cocoa)
xoxo Mo
yours was a delightful read
hahaha phone in bra is quite classy!!
I’ll do it on my blog later. 😀