I love her. Her eccentricity, her philosophy, her belief and investment in fashion democracy. Her style aesthetic may not align with my own, but I have nothing but utmost respect for her unique creativity. And hello, Sex and the City! Ingenius.
How you dress, in essence, story-telling. Instead of words, you’re replacing it with clothing. Showing, not telling, who you are and what you’re doing that day. Patricia Fields says to imagine yourself on a stage and set the scene; pretend you’re the costume director, picking the clothes for that specific scene. You’re at the office. Sixties. Mad Men. Betty Draper meets Harris. How would you dress you to fit the part?
Patricia puts style and everyday dressing in an entirely different—kind of romantic—perspective. I adore it. And her investment in lucky charms as well, for their happiness, that good will about them, their appeal to all human beings who love life.
“Lucky charms are universal,” she says—yet another romantic aspect of her style philosophy. And while I don’t believe in luck, a little bit of wishful, positive thinking can’t hurt.
. . .
bises! x
Debroah Mier says
I have even thought of this issue before, yet have not accessed the conclusion, Sigh ~