When things get hectic and therefore stressful, I forget to breathe. In. Out. I drown myself in a standard uniform of black head to toe because it’s safe, unobtrusive. It’s when I wear black for all the wrong reasons. Black is power in sleek and strength, not to be misused as a cloak to hide behind.
A few days a go I saw Cory Booker‘s update:
“I find that stress and worry about a problem [undermines] the spirit and the creative energy needed to overcome the challenge.”
It does. It hinders and holds you back—it’s something I need to remember. Small steps, baby steps, like slipping into your first pair of heels.
Surrounding myself with brightness and light creates a world of a difference. It changes the air to something lighter, brighter, happier. It’s not just the power of positive dressing, but the ability to change your environment to suit your needs. We can take our emotions into our own hands; let not your emotions control you. Think with your mind, do with your heart—it’s a completely different thing.
Happy Monday!
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Your turn. Thoughts?