Quarantine Reading: One Book a Day (Week 12) • Soft Sensibilities
Sunday marked the last day of quarantine; the shelter-in-place order has been lifted, and I’ve been back at the office as if nothing has changed. Only everything has. I’ve read 106 books since the first full week I started working from home—and I’ve kept to this goal (a promise made with none other than myself) of reading one book a day. There still is no vaccine or insight on how COVID-19 can be stopped, and yet, we’re expected to proceed as if things are safe. (They aren’t, but turning a blind eye in for favorable numbers is this nation’s priority.) The country has erupted into a divisive war on and about race. (How people still can’t see the light and understand why #BlackLivesMatters is beyond me.) We have to keep fighting, and I’m figuring out how I can best continue that conversation. In the meantime, these were the eight books that concluded by daily reading challenge. (Thanks for sticking along for the ride.) . . . DAY 85: THE THINGS THEY FANCIED I’ve been a fan of Molly Young’s work for a few years now, and when she announced she was publishing a zine “about the sick and twisted hobbies of…